Chapter 2: You are my female

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"I saved you so you are my female." There were too many dangers in the forest, so when the beast man were around there was an unspoken rule to reward males who rescued lone females in the forest.

If a male saved a female he could ask her to be her female and the female would have no right to reject him. Ofcourse when the female was strongly against it, the male wouldn't force her for the sake of his own happiness. Afterall a female could mate with multiple males whereas, the males could only mate with one female as males could only mate once in their entire lives.

If the males were abandoned by their female mates, they could only spend the rest of their lives alone. This happened mostly when a male agreed to be someone's lover when they were younger, and it was extremely tragic.

When Blair was trying to get information from Roger, he was trying to get information from her as well. Once she gave him an answer she was satisfied with, he rejoiced with excitement as he transformed back into a leopard and sprinted.

This was great! The female didn't have a mate so according to the rule she belonged to him!

Blair was dumbfounded as she watched Roger turn from a human into a leopard and sprint off.
"Was this guy on drugs? Also, was it really okay for that thing to be swinging around like that? Wasn't he afraid of hitting it?" Blair covered her flushed face with her hands.

If she looked at it any longer she was going to have stress on her eyes. After letting out his emotions Roger leaped towards Blair, his body transforming into a human in mid-air. He then forcefully tackled her to the ground.
"Ahhhhh.. What are you doing? It was so painful."
If not for the smile on Roger's face Blair would have thought he was going to eat her when he tackled her to the ground. She was so frightened that her heart stopped beating for a moment.

Blair's beautiful eyebrows furrowed together as she pushed the unbelievably heavy man away.
The Law of conservation of matter held true just as she expected. He was such a huge leopard, he had to be heavy even after turning into a human. She felt as if there was a mountain pressing her down on the ground.

Roger raised a golden eyebrow before saying "I'm taking you back to the village."

"Oh-kay" Blair was stuck underneath Roger. Although she was nervous and afraid she still had a calm expression on her face. She would take things as they came. She couldn't live like a savage all by herself after all, she'd have to integrate herself into their Beast Man World's at some point.

The dark pupils in Roger's golden eyes were clearly constricting and dilating as he pressed the female below him down on the ground.
He said in a strong voice "Now let's make this very clear. Females are very precious, so they are allowed to mate with multiple males, but my mate, can only mate with me. Do you understand?"

Blair's mind went blank for a moment  before she came to her senses.
Female, sounded so awkward, and since when did she become his?

"Since when did I say I'd be your mate?" Blair was angry and finally demonstrated a shred of courage.

A ferro and unrestrained smile spread across Roger's young face "I found you so you're my female."

Blair was speechless. She continued to argue with Roger, but fear set in after she looked at the gloomy forest around her. She didn't dare to go overboard and kept quiet once she was no longer able to rebut his words.
Roger transformed back into his animal form and was full of joy as he carried his female he had found on his back and ran back to his tribes village.

The leopards village was located between two mountain peaks. It was known as the camel hump valley due to the mountain peaks resembling camel humps. With the city of Beast Man at the South of the area and the misty forest to the North of the area, the village was richly endowed yet dangerous intermediate zone.

At the edge of the leopard village there was a clear lake- the size of a golf course. Half of it was shrouded by the woods and half of it was exposed to the sun. The water rippled in the wind and glittered in the sunlight and the air was filled with the fresh and clean smell of water.

Roger held a dead wolf between his jaws and carried Blair whose face was numb from the bumpy ride on his back. He gradually slowed down as he reached the lake.

Camel Hump Valley

Roger released the dead wolf from his jaws and bent his forelimb such that it's upper body was on the ground. Blair immediately got the hint and slid down his back.
"The area in the front is where my tribe and I currently live" Roger said. He is transformed back into a human at this point.

When Blair looked over out of curiosity, she saw him crouching over the lake and scooping out a handful of mud. He then walked over to Blair and smeared it all over her face.

"Ahhhh.." Blair screamed. As she avoided him as she haphazardly wiped at her face and asked "What are you doing?"

Roger grabbed Blair's arm and evenly spread out the mud on her face. Since you are so pretty if you go back with me just like that, those thirsty males will definitely remember you. As your mate I'm not afraid of being challenged by those guys, but what if they take you away from me when I'm not looking.

"What? I didn't even agree to be your mate" Blair glared at Roger feeling embarrassed and angry. She was secretly happy that he called her pretty. People in the modern world rarely used that word to describe her. They usually called her adorable or pure. Furthermore Roger was a young male, she couldn't help but get butterflies in her stomach.

After Roger let go off Blair she was about to wash her face by the river when she heard him say in an agressive voice "If you wash your face I'll scratch it so that it becomes disfigured and you'll never look pretty again." Roger felt uneasy as he threatened her. Females were physically weak but they were domineering by nature and cared about their looks.
What was he going to do if this female simply refused?

Blair froze. She'd seen how blood thirsty this leopard could get so she didn't doubt that he would really do something like that.
Forget it. She only had mud on her face and the water in the lake was clean anyway. She'd just treat it like a free facial.

"Hmph.. I won't wash my face then" Blair was naturally unhappy that he had threatened her. Once she got to that village or whatever, she'd find an opportunity to get away from this man. He was too dangerous.

Roger instantly beamed with pleasure. He then happily skinned the wolf and cut open its chest. After rinsing it clean he said to Blair "Okay, let's go." He then transformed back into a leopard and briskly walked over to her. Blair pursed her lips as she climbed onto him and sat sideways.

Camel hump valley was up ahead. A small river flowed through the valley. The valley gradually appeared as Roger unhurriedly walked forward. The river divided the valley in two. At the base of the mountain peak were several wooden houses with humans and large animals walking around inside.

Roger said this was where the leopards lived but there were tigers, lions and wolves as well. The human Beast Man had skirts made of animal skin tied around their waists leaving their upper bodies bare. Their strong and muscular chest were nothing like those of lanky bodybuilders.
With the shear power they exuded they didn't seem weaker than Beasts.

Furthermore, all of them were pretty handsome. Half of the people had tattoos like Roger, except they only had single line on one side of their faces. The rest of the people's faces were completely bare.
Blair remembered reading in a book that some savage tribes painted their faces as a symbol of status and power. Roger had more tattoos on his face than others. Did this mean he had a very high status?

The tribe made Blair feel like she had entered a zoo, when in reality she was the one being surrounded and watched. The beast man quickly gathered around when they noticed the smell of a stranger.

"Roger! Where did you find this female? She is so dirty."

"But she smells nice, I like her."

"And she's still single. I wonder if she's still come of age yet."

Blair nervously grabbed onto Roger's fur as she watched the people and beasts surround them.

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