The Slice of the Reynolds' Life

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12th of February in 1791


"Yes dear?"

"Why is papa so mean?" 9 year old Philip asked innocently.

"I don't know sweetie, but sometimes, people act mean because they're insecure. However, that's not always the case."

"It's not?" The freckled boy asked in curiosity.

"No, sometimes, they do it out of anger of what happens in their life. Sometimes during childhood, teenage years or even adulthood."

"You mean, something bad happens & it causes them to be mean?" Philip asked with an wide eye expression.

When Maria nodded her head, Philip covered his mouth in shock. He didn't expect that to happen at all. He thought, that mean people were just being mean because they wanted to be mean. He didn't expect for people to be rude for a reason. Did all cruel people acted this way, because of a bad event?

"Is this always the case?" Philip whispered in a hush tone.

"No, sometimes, they do it because they can & they like having control over others while giving them pain & suffering." Maria said with a solem look.

"Oh . . ." Philip said before looking up at Maria. "Can we bake together?" Philip asked as he bit his lip, wanting to make his mother smile again.

Maria smiled gently as she nodded her head. The 2 of them than baked, soon causing the house to be in laughter. Maria always felt like Philip was the light in her life, giving her a reason to live. He always gave her a reason to smile, even when her husband is crossed at her. Though, the of 2 of them still jump when he slams the door, & this time was no different.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" The man snapped.

"O-oh Philip & I w-were bak-"

"SHUT UP!" James roared in anger as he slapped Maria, causing her to fall to the ground.

"Mama!" Philip cried out before running towards his mom with a cloth that he always carried in his pocket as he knew his 'father' always left a bruise.

"SHUT UP!" James howled before grabbing the 9 year old by his curls & started to drag him away.

Philip started to scream in pain as he struggled to get away. Maria weakly got up & tackled her husband. There was soon a struggle out between the couple as Maria desperately tried to get her son away from the man. He than let both of them go as he kicked Philip in the stomach before going into the master bedroom. The mother & son than started to sob while holding unto each other as it was truly them, against the world.
445 words, thanks for reading & stay safe everyone!

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