Chapter 36 - Kurogiri

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A/N I just wanted to say I loved the comments on the last chapter. I thrive on fear, in case y'all hadn't noticed. Anyway, here's pretty much the end battle but there's gonna be 38 chapters in total so this story isn't over quite yet!!

"I don't care! He's my son goddamnit!"

How dare they tell him he wasn't allowed to come?! Izuku was right there! He needed his father! How the hell were they planning on getting through to him?! They're just scared little heroes who think he'll run off and go into hiding the moment they let him leave UA campus! Ugh! Cowards! Useless fucking cowards who won't allow him to save his boy!

"I understand how you feel, but it's an order from the Hero Commision, we can't disobey them" Eraser grumbled as he suited up.
"Oh but you're allowed to use my associate to get there?!" Hisashi hissed, pointing out Kurogiri, who was patiently waiting for the pros to get ready in order to bring them to Jaku City. All Might wasn't here since he wasn't allowed to partake in this rescue mission, which was at least something Hisashi could agree on.

"They didn't explicitly say we couldn't, so thank you for lending his services to us" Aizawa answered, trying to remain calm as his anxiety spiked under his skin. This problem child really did it now... Going on a rampage in a city after going missing for a week... There was no easy way to come back from this, let alone that the commission would still allow him to get a hero license.

"Bullshit! The whole Hero Commission is made up of idiots! Who do they think they are?!"
"Well, the Hero Commission" Aizawa shrugged.
"But like you said, they're a bunch of idiots. All of us heroes are going to rescue our student, so the school will be practically empty"
"There'll be no one here to keep me from leaving..." Hisashi breathed, catching on onto what Eraserhead was telling him.

"We can't control your actions once we're gone, now can we?" the black ray of sunshine shrugged, a grin rising onto his face. And oh, now Hisashi could see why his son was so fond of his teacher. This man wasn't afraid to bend the rules a little in order to achieve the best possible outcome.
"I like you, Eraserhead" Hisashi grinned.
"I'm married, mind you" he told him, putting on his goggles.

"I need to meet up with my colleagues. Behave until we leave, okay?"
"Of course, I won't disturb you any longer" Hisashi promised, watching Eraserhead walk out of the room, followed by Kurogiri, before the door closed. 'Just hang in there son' he thought, turning towards the tv that was silently playing in the background. 'Just a little longer... Your father will come to save you soon'


All Might hadn't seen such destruction in a long time... But when he got word of the news, he knew he had to come here, no hesitation. It would take too long for heroes to gather and even if they did, what chance did they have against this force of nature? Yes, this was the All For One All Might remembered... This was the monster that killed his master, the beast he'll extract his revenge on today.

"All Might!" one of the heroes gasped as he landed on the front line, causing a gust of wind to rush past all bystanders.
"No need to fear! For I am here!" he called out, his voice instantly catching the attention of the news helicopter. Good, they'll want to get footage of this historical moment! The day All For One would finally be defeated!

"We're so glad you're here! None of our quirks seem to get to him" one of the local heroes explained.
"You need to be careful when fighting him in close range. We think he's somehow capable of blocking us from using our quirks"
"Are any of you struggling to use your quirks right now?" All Might asked, fearing the answer.
"None of us can use our quirks right now, sir" the hero reported.

So he already robbed them of their quirks... Seemed like the apple didn't fall far from the tree after all. Izuku was just as much of a villain as his father was, even if he tried to claim otherwise. The sooner he put a stop to this rampage, the better.
"That's fine! Just focus on the evacuation and leave him to me!" All Might grinned, turning his back to his colleagues so he could see where Izuku was exactly.

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