Chapter 30 - Summer Training Camp

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When Eraserhead told him they had a lead on the whereabouts of the Nomu that could lead to the doctor, Hisashi was relieved and excited. The pros would take care of the mutants and his family would be safe once more! Besides, he had to focus on preparing Izuku for the summer training camp. The boy had been freaking out ever since he found out All Might was tagging along! Shinsou, on the other hand, was experiencing a whole other kind of stress. The boy was allowed to accompany the first year hero courses to camp in order to assess his worth. If things went well, his transfer to the hero course would be approved!

But then Eraser told him the mission went south. The pros were overwhelmed when all the Nomu in the warehouse suddenly woke up and started attacking them. Most of them were eliminated, but some of the Nomu were able to escape the facility. The heroes were doing everything they could to find and arrest them, but it was likely the doctor called them to another hidden facility so it wouldn't be that easy. And now the doctor knew they were after him...

"Izuku, can we talk for a moment?" Hisashi asked, interrupting his sparring session with Katsuki. Hitoshi was also there, sitting on the sideline as some sort of referee or simply waiting until it was his turn, the man wasn't sure.
"Yeah sure thing dad!" Izuku smiled, rubbing some sweat off his forehead with a towel Shinsou handed him.

"Why don't you guys spar for a bit until I get back? It'll be good training for you, Shinsou-kun!"
"Tch, I'm not going easy on you bastard" Katsuki growled, falling into a battle stance once more.
"Come at me, explodo" Hitoshi grinned, hoping he could brainwash him before he got burned by Bakugou's explosions. Izuku simply chuckled at their antics, quickly leaving the battlefield and following his dad upstairs.

"So what did you want to talk about dad? Is it summer training camp?" Izuku asked when they arrived in his office.
"Because I know how I acted but I swear I'm fine now! All Might won't be a problem at all, I promise! I'll have my friends there to keep me sane! Kacchan, Todoroki-kun, even Shinsou-kun too now! A-and I'm sure Aizawa sensei will do everything he can so that-"

"This isn't about All Might, son" Hisashi sighed, cutting off Izuku instantly. The green haired boy blinked in confusion. If it wasn't about All Might or summer camp then what was it about? Why would his dad interrupt his training otherwise? This must be important in some way or another, right?
"Please take a seat" he continued, motioning for Izuku to sit down. Izuku frowned, slowly sitting down. He didn't like where this was going...

"Am I in trouble? Did I do something wrong?"

"You didn't do anything wrong Izuku, I promise, it's just..." Hisashi sighed, not knowing how to start this conversation.
"There is a man I used to work with, a doctor who specializes in quirks and human mutation. The same man who created those monsters that attacked Hosu a few weeks ago"
Izuku's eyes widened. Okay, that was something he didn't expect...

His dad rarely talked about his past with him, about the villain he used to be and the awful things he used to do. Izuku had always been grateful for that, not wanting the image he had of his father to be ruined by a man who didn't exist anymore. To think he worked together with the man that created those mutants... Well, the news did report that they found multiple quirk factors in the medical examination but Izuku didn't want to directly link that to his own quirk.

"He reached out to me again after that attack, stating it was a demonstration of his work up until now" Hisashi said.
"He knows I quit the experiment long ago, but he insists he needs a sample from my quirk in order to perfect them. I refused, of course, but I don't know to what lengths he'll go to get that sample... I want you to be careful out there, Izuku. If he discovers you have All For One, he will target you"

"...Okay, I understand, stay away from big mutant monsters" Izuku nodded.
"There are pro heroes after him as we speak so he'll probably be caught soon, but we can't be too careful" Hisashi added.
"Who knows what he might pull when driven into a corner..."
"It's alright, I'll be more careful, I swear" Izuku said, forcing a smile.
"Just, uhm, tell me when he's been arrested, okay?"

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