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As she drove through town, Emma couldn't help but notice some things. Most notably the literal army amassing in its streets. At first it was an odd sight to see, but the more she paid attention to them, the more Emma started to understand what was happening.

They weren't armed like any other human military with guns and stuff. No, they carried crossbows, loaded with wooden stakes, vervain hanging off some of their utility belts. It turned out that the town wasn't as blind to their vampire problem as she believed. Yes, Emma knew there was a founders council who were aware. But considering it was lead by the mother of a hybrid and the mother of a vampire, she didn't think these kinds of measures would ever be imposed to deal with the problem.

It only made her step on the gas once she dropped Matt off at his house, making sure he was definitely alright before she left him alone again. This time, however, she was making sure to stay within the speed limit. She didn't want to risk one of the wooden stake armed deputies to pull her over for breaking the law.

However, by the time Emma finally reached the Mikaelson home, deeming it the best place to start her search for her blonde friend, she was surprised to find a multitude of black vans and cars in the area. Slowly, she stepped out of her car, looking around, half expecting someone to run up to her and stop her or restrain her.

But the area and the cars/vans seemed to be entirely empty. Emma wondered what it meant. Maybe, while the council was taking actions, none were brave enough to confront the oldest family of vampires, nearly unkillable ones at that. That still didn't explain the presence of the vehicles around the house, Emma reminded herself as she walked up to the door. What, were they using the Mikaelson driveway as a parking lot?

Finding the door slightly ajar, Emma hesitantly walked in, unsure of what she'd find inside. She half expected it to be a whole lot of quasi vampire hunter bodies. But the foyer seemed entirely empty, no sign that anyone had even passed through it.

"Rebekah! Where the hell are you? And what the hell is going on?" Emma called out into the empty space, hoping to receive a response from someone. Even if it was the council's army, she was human... Well, to the knowledge of everyone in town, she was human. They weren't after her.

But nothing happened. At least as much as Emma could hear. She was still too far away to be able to hear Damon having a small monologue moment, promising Rebekah he'd kill her and then handle the 'pesky problem' that was Emma.

"Rebekah, I swear to-" Emma started calling out again, deciding to try one last time before she'd decide Rebekah wasn't here and continue her search elsewhere. However, her words were cut off with her own scream of shock as the windows around her began to shatter, wooden bullets embedding themselves in the wall and making Emma duck down to the ground.

"I am so done with this house and being attacked in it." Emma grumbled to herself, crawling on the floor carefully in search of some cover, ignoring the sting of pain as she cut her hand on some of the glass. At least she could use it as proof of mortality.

Before she had a chance to get too far or a chance to hide somewhere, the door sprung open behind her. Men were rushing through it, weapons and stakes drawn. Some disregarded her completely, making their way further into the house with determined steps. It wasn't hard for Emma to gather that someone must've been here. Those shots weren't aimless.

She had no time to think of a plan to stop them, however. Instead, she found herself kneeling on the floor as two of the deputies turned on her, one raising his crossbow into the air without a thought. She could see the fear in his eyes making him act impulsively, and by the time his partner had a chance to protest the action it was too late. Emma watched, as if it were happening in slow motion, as the wooden bolt flew from the crossbow, headed right for her.

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