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Sunday 09:19 AM

"Jay's coming home. Heeseung got out of the hospital today...", Yeji said as she went into Yejun's room, the telephone still in one hand.
"How is he?", Yejun asked, as she stood up.
"Dunno, but must feel better or they wouldn't have let him go."

Ten minutes late, the door opened and Jay got inside, looking quite exhausted. And that was uderstandable. He stayed in the hospital yesterday all the time, to watch over Heeseung.

"How's Heeseung doing, oppa?" Yejun asked Jay as she hugged him tight.
"A lot better. He can go to school again the day after tomorrow. Luckily the wound wasn't that deep, as we first expected, but it still looked painful..."
"I'm sorry Jay, that this happened. That wasn't planned."
"I know that, but it still happened. And that bastard is still out there! I'm sure they's laughing at us right now..."
"We thought, we were prepared for this, but we weren't...It was dumb of us to think we could outsmart that psycho."
"But why was the Yandere in advantage again?" Sunghoon came down the stairs. "That's not what I understand..."

"Because they knew more, then we did...or you did", Jay answered.
"What's that supposed to mean now, oppa?" Yejun was terribly confused.
"That's something, Heeseung and I need you to tell y'all as soon as possible..."


Monday 04:22 PM

They were currently at Heeseung's because the friend group decided to meet up after school and they thought it woud be the best to meet up at Heeseung's, as he was still healing.

"So what d'you wanna talk abou then?", Jungwon asked, who actually waited for the answer the whole day now.

"Well...as you now, the Yandere got us on Friday", Jay started.
"Yep, that's obvious", Niki said as he looked over to Heeseung, who was half sitting, half lying on the sofa.
"And...oh man, how do I explain that, without you completely getting out of your mind?"
The younger ones looked at each other, quite confused. "What?"

"Let's say, our beloved Yandere had a reason...", Heeseung told them. Jay just nodded and took his hand.
"I'm sorry Yejun...I'm not that perfect boyfriend, well...not to you."
Yejun's eyes widened as she realised what they were talking about. "Oh my god..."
"For how long now?" Jungwon frowned as he wasn't expecting that...Don't misunderstand him, or the others. They totally support them, but it was just a bit surprising.
"Three months now..." Jay hesitated at first but decided to say it anyways.
"That means you both started seeing each other, a month after you asked me out?!"
"Yejun, I'm so sorry, I just didn't want to hurt you-"
"Heeseung...It's fine. I'm not hurt. It felt wrong from the very beginning, but I didn't tell you...for the same reason you didn't tell me."
"Yes. Oh..."

"Mosquito bite, of course...Fucking liar", Sunghoon complained. Jay threw a pillow at him.
"Shut up you scumbag!"
"You know Heeseung, you could've cheated on my sister with everyone you wanted. And you chose Jay?!"
"Oookay, that's enough bickering. I don't want anyone else to stay at the hospital!", Jungwon interrupted. "So the both of you are a couple and the Yandere attacked because of that...?"

"Well I think that was their way to tell us, that we should've told Yejun that..."
"You're in love, we know..."
"They thinks, we hurt you. Like the person thought it hurt you that Niki didn't want to be your boyfriend.
He attacked Niki, he attacked us. Everyone who 'hurt you'.
"Oh man", Yejun sighed face palmed herself. "Whyyyy?"
"Pffff, their way to tell you, the person loves you...", Sunoo caressed her back and earned a jealous gaze from someone because of that.
"I think I'll go now..." Jake stood up, bit his goodbye and left the seven alone.
"What's up with him lately?!", Niki questioned.
"You seriously ask that now? After you heard the whole story about Jake and Yejun?", Jungwon looked at his brother in disbelief. "Niki, where are you really, when you're with us?"
"Yah! Don't be so mean hyung..."

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