After The Blast

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Thankfully, Cody and his sister managed to escape the blast and make it to the airport. After making their way inside of the parking lot, they parked their car and hid within the corner of one of the upper floors.

The two were extremely hot from the rising temperature from the power plant building up within the architecture which made the two feel dizzy and sweaty. Cody was hoping that Mrs. Wyatt and his friends managed to make it out alive but it was a very slim chance. They would be lucky even if they found a single human survivor at all.

Many hours passed, and it seemed as if they were the only two people left on earth after a zombie apocalypse took place. It wasn't long before nighttime where Emma fell asleep in her brother's arms. Cody did the same thing shortly afterwards.


The next morning, the heat had surprisingly cooled down extremely fast and it didn't feel very hot any more. Cody tried walking over to their truck to board it but the truck's battery had died from accidentally leaving the truck running through the night.

"DAMMIT!" He shouted. "What is it?" Asked Emma. "We can't use this truck anymore, we have to travel on foot from now on." Explained Cody. He then went over to the roof to take a peek at what it looked like.

Strangely, the sky had turned to a light pinkish color. Down below he saw several young anthropomorphic animals playing with each other. Honestly, he thought they were going to eat each other, but they weren't even doing harm to one another.

Cody knew he could get into the actual airport itself but he would need to be extremely careful to not be spotted. It was a good thing that they couldn't use their truck anymore because they would be drawing too much attention to themselves. "What's down there?" Asked Emma. "Young animals. Now listen carefully, do everything I say, we need to be as stealthy as possible." He explained. "Why do we need to be stealthy? They might be friendly kids." Asked Emma.

Cody did a face palm. "We don't know if they are friendly or not!" He said. He was tired of his sister's optimistic attitude often being way over the top in the most dire consequences. "Just do what I say and don't do anything stupid." He explained.

Once the two made contact with the outside of the parking lot, the two began sneakily crawling across the road using the cars strewn across the area as protection. Thankfully, none of the young animals noticed them at the moment.

They had almost made it when Cody felt a small tap on his shoulder. Graciously, he swung his arm out at his attacker, only to barely miss the young anthropomorphic deer who had a light smile on his face. He looked back at his sister who was tossing a large ball with a snow leopard girl who looked like she was the same age as her.

It didn't seem like it was bad at first, but then the sound of vehicles could be heard approaching the airport. Heading those sounds Cody panicked and quickly grabbed his sister by the arm and dragged her within the airport. The two could easily be seen through the windows that had been mostly destroyed by the blast so they jumped behind a fountain within the middle of the airport front.

With themselves hidden, they could safely spy on what was going on outside. It seemed as if more anthropomorphic animals were searching not for them, but for the other young kids outside the airport. After all 7 of them were loaded into the militarized truck and left the area.

With any confirmed dangers no longer in the area, Cody and Emma decided to explore the airport. It was completely abandoned, it was like the human race was now extinct except for the two of them. They could only assume that for the rest of the town without a single soul in sight.

However, that didn't mean that they couldn't loot it without finding some valuable supplies. The small restaurants near the loading gates contained several different types of foods such as donuts, tacos, and even Chick-fil-A. The only problem was about how to keep all of it refrigerated.

Suddenly, the two heard a voice call out to them. "Hey! Who goes there!?" It said. It sounded like the voice of a young male teenager. "Who are you? Show yourself!" Shouted Emma.

Soon enough, they could see a young boy atop a broken down escalator. He was wearing a yellow shirt that was rather dirty and he also looked about 12 years old. It also looked like he formally had blonde hair which looked dirtier than ever.

Well at least we're not the only humans that survived the blast, thought Cody. He and Emma rushed up the escalator towards the boy who surprisingly didn't have any weapons at his disposal. "Hello there. I'm Louis, who might you two be?" Asked the boy.

"I'm Cody and this is my little sister Emma." He said. Louis looked surprised at first, but he turned back at them with a polite smile on his face. "Why it's nice to meet you two. It's great knowing that you aren't lonely in an apocalypse with animals hunting you down." Said Louis.

"How do you know that?" Asked Emma. "Well, I'll explain later, but I can let you stay with me. I could certainly use the company." Said Louis.

Cody and Emma were certainly happy knowing that this boy would let him stay at his place for the time being and that they weren't the only ones. Maybe there could be more that are still out there! Maybe Mrs. Wyatt and his friends were ok!

Cody couldn't help but think of everyone he could find, it was certainly the most crowding thought that had been within his mind for several days.

Aside from Elliot that is, who had gone missing without a single trace.

ROTWOTA: Book 1 - The Beginning of Extinction Where stories live. Discover now