Things That Go Bump In The Night

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That night, as the survivors all continued down the line, Emma finally stopped to ask something she had been wondering about for a few hours ever since they were found by the diesel and his crew.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"Sorry for forgetting to tell you this, but we're heading for an old quarry branch that's only a few minutes away at this point, with any luck, there should be a good amount of survivors there." Explained Carter.

It wasn't much longer before they came to a set of points, one seemed like it deeper down into a canyon, and the other direction was two tracks that continued through the forest. Suddenly, Carter went out of Eric's cab and switched them to go on the singular track.

Once everyone was set, they moved down into the canyon. Everything seemed quiet until they found themselves in a highly rocky environment with tracks everywhere and a giant lake in the middle of it. Just then, Eric seemed suprised yet happy about something he saw in the quarry.

Upon his crew seeing what their engine was looking at, they had the same expression as him. In a shed near the far left of the quarry was another non-faceless locomotive. It was a big strong green engine that was with his crew and many other people.

"Oh my gosh, it's been so long since I've seen you mate. How's it going, Sam?" Asked Eric. "Who is that engine? Are he and Eric friends?" Asked Cody. "Sam's an engine that works in Virginia that Eric and us are good friends with him and his crew. We're just glad they're ok." Explained Seth.

Once all the survivors got aquatinted with the men in the quarry, Cody and Seth counted how many of them there were and there seemed to be about 32 of them excluding the engines and everyone in their crew. However, Jenny, William and Ivan all looked uneasy.

"Hey guys, what's wrong?" Asked Emma. "Listen, we know that not everyone we meet is friendly and is willing to team up with us." Said Ivan. "And we can't help but feel like at least one of them is bound to turn on us sooner or later." Said William. "Oh come on you two, Louis was only one person. We know we can trust the diesel and his crew. And besides, how bad could it be?" Asked Emma.

"Emma, you're young and naive. You can't just expect someone can trust you in a scenario like this. If this was happening all over the world, you can expect worldwide countries going all out warfare on each other." Explained Jenny. "Well, that is true. But still, they haven't tried doing harm to us at the moment. Who knows? Maybe these guys can be trusted," said Emma.

Jenny simply scoffed that off as if she were lying to her.


That morning, Jenny and Emma were the first ones to wake up and notice that Oliver and multiple other workmen looked as if they were distressed by something.

"Um, Oliver? Are you alright? What happened?" asked Jenny. Oliver them perked up, as if he didn't notice her there beforehand. "Oh yeah Jenny, I'm ok at the moment, just worried about something and I don't feel like talking about it." He said.

Jenny and Emma were then approached by another workman named Todd who looked as if he had all the answers and then he started to explain everything to her.

"Well, your friend woke some of us up in the middle of the night saying that he saw some sort of mutated animal hybrid at the other side of the quarry. And when we went to investigate, we found something horrifying like it was from hell. We ended up losing Clarence last night, damn creature went after the poor guy, and we ended up finding what was left of his remains in an old abandoned cottage that was completely wrecked after hearing his screaming cease." Said Todd.

The two girls looked disturbed at the story Todd told, but they both felt a little skeptical and went back to count how many people were with them, and sure enough they counted 31 people and two engines excluding those that they had found which seemed to confirm that Todd was telling the truth.

"What about the monster?" Asked a frightened Emma.

"It was black furred, looked like a combination of a wolf, a spider, a scorpion and whatever the hell it was just looked like something from hell. We'll need to explore the matter further soon or else we might lose more engines and men. And we'll need to warn everyone about this as well." Said Todd.

Once Todd, Jenny and Emma let everyone know about the danger, it ended up springing everyone into a frenzy. But everyone needed to calm down and focus if they wanted to figure out the mystery behind the creature.

Soon enough, they decided to scout the area to find anyone they could and possibly escape the radiation from the power plant as fast as they could. However, not only had all the wildlife disappeared but also the fact that the radiation didn't seem like it actually harmed humans.

The survivors decided to split into teams and other one engine taking half the survivors and one taking the other half.

Cody and all his friends went with Eric and everyone said their goodbyes and each team were given a few radios to stay in touch before splitting apart.

ROTWOTA: Book 1 - The Beginning of Extinction Where stories live. Discover now