15: Cat shelter

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They reached Todoroki's dorm and just laid down. Well Todoroki threw himself on the bed, face first and groaned. Kirishima didn't really know what to do.

"You can just lay down on the bed with me, or you just do anything you want." Todoroki mumbled, he felt movements on his bed indicating that Kirishima was on his bed. Todoroki was near the wall while the red head was behind him. Kirishima really wanted to ask him if he could cuddle him from behind but it seemed weird asking him all of a sudden. A few minutes later, Todoroki was sound asleep, Kirishima didn't want to disturb him but he couldn't help but take a quick picture. With a silent click he had saved it, I'm gonna print this, Kirishima smiled to himself. Todoroki's jacket was sliding off the right shoulder, his hair moved since he was sleeping on his side and he was almost curled into a ball. Who couldn't say that was the most adorable thing?

Time skip when school is done.

Kirishima didn't even realize he had fallen asleep, Todoroki had kept waking up every little while and it was pissing him off. He had checked the time and decided to get ready for to meet Shinso, he just got on a black shirt with some dark blue skinny jeans, He grabbed his watch and put it on his wrist. Now he was ready. He covered Kirishima with the blanket and left.

The first place he went was Denki's dorm, he knocked the on the door softly and opened a blonde with a white t-shirt on with some light blue jeans and a couple of black bracelets for style.

"Hey Kaminari, are you ready to go see Shinso?" Todoroki asked, Kaminari nodded and closed the door.

"Hey, didn't Bakugo and Kirishima want you to get some sleep?" The blonde asked, Todoroki hadn't forgotten about it, he tried listening to them, sorta, but he just couldn't go to sleep.

"Yeah but I promised Shinso I'd come today." Todoroki replied, Kaminari just started talking about random things. To Todoroki, It was actually kinda nice to listen to someone talk. He would like it whenever Midoriya would ramble to him, Same with Kirishima, it felt nice needing some attention. They had finally reached the Shinso and the 3 of them walked to the cat shelter.

It took them awhile to make it but it was nice having Kaminari there with the two, Todoroki and Shinso are social awkward so if it was just them two it would be quiet, but for the loud blonde it was actually enjoyable. The three of them arrived at the store and seen so many cats of different sizes, shapes, and colors. Kaminari squealed in awe the second he got inside, Todoroki was actually surprised of how much cats were in here.

"I come here every week to enjoy them, and they all love me." Shinso said smirking, Todoroki rolled his eyes playfully and walked around, Kaminari was already petting two cats and both liked the gentle care they were receiving from the blonde.

Todoroki looked around and seen so many cats looking at him in curiosity, he continued to walk further and saw a cage that seemed like nothing was in there. He bend down and seen a cat that looked identical to him, a red and while cat, with a little scratch on his left eye. Todoroki loved them already, he opened the cage slightly to see the same dark ocean blue eye with a smoky shady grey. The cat was tense at first and didn't want to get close, but when Todoroki used his left side for heat the cat started walking a bit towards him. The cat nuzzled into Todoroki's hand, Todoroki was tender and sweet with the cat, he looked at the name tag around they're neck.


It was a female, Todoroki brought her to his arms and petted her carefully. The cat licked his face in love and snuggled into his warmth, Todoroki walked over to the other boys and seen Kaminari trapped underneath 5 cats, it brought a smile to his face and Shinso's. Todoroki saw and smirked to himself.

"I've never seen a cat just like you," Shinso commented, seeing the cat and Todoroki. "Whats the name?" Shinso asked walking up to him and petting her.

"Mei." Todoroki replied calmly, the cat had latched herself on to him and wasn't planing to let go anytime soon. Shinso smiled softly at the cat and returned to the blonde who was getting licked all over. "I want to buy her." Todoroki said suddenly.

"Are you sure, I don't think we're not allowed to have pets in the dorms." Shinso warned, Todoroki didn't care right now.

"Yes I'm sure." He grabbed his- well Endeavor's credit card from his pocket and gave it to the woman at the stand. She smiled when she saw the two, she had never seen a cat so similar to a person. She put the card in and gave him a paper to sign out. He signed and the woman gave back his- Endeavor's credit card. The woman had asked the other two if they wanted to buy a cat but they simply said no kindly. They stayed there a little longer just to kill time. Todoroki stayed with Mei but some other cats started walking towards him, surrounding him. But Mei just wanted Todoroki to herself and started growing softly. Todoroki laughed softly and kissed her head. They stayed there for hours until it was time to go.

"Ooo it's chilly!" Kaminari exclaimed, shivering to himself. Todoroki winked at Shinso signaling him to make a move. The purple haired sighed and gave the blonde his jacket, Kaminari blushed and gave a quiet thanks. Todoroki had to admit it was coming to fall and it was chilly now, he started using his quirk to warm up but it barely worked, his nose started become red and frozen. Mei licked his nose trying to help the the shivering boy, Todoroki smiled and gave her kiss on the head. His eyes started to become droopy too, he sighed deeply trying to stay warm and awake.

The three- well four of them reached the dorms they said goodbye to Shinso while Kaminari was gonna give him back his jacket the tired boy said to keep it, smirking. The blonde blushed and walked with Todoroki and Mei to their dorms.

"Do you like him?" Todoroki asked the blonde, kissing the top of Mei's head softly. Kaminari blushed so much he looked like a tomato.

"What! Me!" Todoroki looked at him with a 'really?'
Look. "Yeah I like him, but don't tell anybody!" Kaminari confessed, Todoroki smiled softly.

"I won't, you have my word." Todoroki mumbled, Mei looked up at him from his chest and purred softly. They reached there dorms and said there final goodbye, Todoroki walked up to his dorm and opened it. He turned on the light and didn't see the red hair there anymore. A slight disappoint flood him but he shook it off. "Here's your home for now." Todoroki told Mei, she began to look around and stuff his dresser or desk, finally as if she had been searching for it, she found his bed. The little mini version of Todoroki laid down on, at the pillow and rolled into a ball. He sat down next to her and sighed tiredly.

"Goodnight Mei.."

Words 1250

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