26: Excited for Tomorrow

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Todoroki woke up and looked around to see his surroundings. He was laying down next to Kaminari and Sero surprisingly. The two were cuddling with him. He looked around and seen Bakugo and Kirishima cuddling with each other too. Mina was just laying next to Mei who actually let her. He smiled a bit before looking at the time. It was 2:37. He sighed quietly and laid back down. He nuzzled into Sero's chest like how he did with Kirishima and Bakugo. Wait why is he thinking of them right now? He shook the thought out of his head and cuddled with the two boys. He fell back to sleep.

Todoroki woke up again but this time Kaminari and Sero were gone. He looked around and only saw Kirishima there petting Mei. He rubbed his eyes in effort to wake him up fully. His hair mixed with red and white.

"Mm where is everyone?" Todoroki mumbled. His voice groggy and deep. Kirishima flinched at the startled voice and turned around to see the sleepy boy.

"Everyone left to get ready, I didn't want to wake you up yet." Kirishima explained. Todoroki hummed and looked at him tiredly, looking so adorable to Kirishima's point of view.

"Can I do your hair?" Todoroki asked. Kirishima looked at him confused. He then nodded luckily his hair was down since Kirishima didn't do it yet. The red boy sat next to the bed and laid his head on Todoroki's lap. The sleepy boy began to brush it gently and comb it back, he put the rubber band in his lips then he grabbed it to put it in Kirishima's hair. Kirishima relaxed, Todoroki put his hair up a little bit but little low. "I'm done.." Todoroki yawned. He was quiet proud of himself for doing a good job.

"Thanks Todoroki!" Kirishima yelped. In Todoroki's imagination he could see Kirishima having a dog tail and at the moment it was wagging. Todoroki was still tired even though he had a great night sleep. His eyes were half hooded slowly about to close. "Todoroki?" Kirishima softly said. He poked his cheek which woke Todoroki from la la land. He hummed softly. "Are you sure you want to go to school today? You look tired." Kirishima started pinching his cheeks for some reason, he thought they were so smooth.

"Huh yeah yeah, I'm sure I'll be awake when I get ready." Todoroki muttered. Subconsciously he brought his face closer to Kirishima. For some reason he wanted to kiss him again. He looked sleepy at the red heads lip, slowly going closer. Kirishima took a minute to realize what was going to happened, his face crimson in 0.2 seconds. Kirishima pulled away and turned around. Todoroki slightly pouted and got up.

"You should get ready.." Kirishima mumbled in his elbow. He was so close to kissing Todoroki again, but this time Todoroki was the one who wanted to. His face blushed and he turned around to see Todoroki getting up.

"Bye Ejirou!" Todoroki giggled out before running out the door. Kirishima noticed how the smaller called him by his first name land giggled cutely.
God what was he doing to him?

In school

Todoroki was right about earlier, that he woke up when he got ready. He was writing in his notes to keep up with the teacher. He enjoyed doing this, he always kept his stuff organized. Bakugo on the other kept thinking about last night. He and Kirishima had..a talk about the dare... let's just say he wouldn't do that again. Todoroki was humming a song in his head and it was quiet lovely, in fact his voice was quite angelic.

"Hey Todoroki." A familiar voice called out. He looked up to see Sero there. He smiled softly as the black haired leaned against his desk.

"Hey Sero." Todoroki replied calmly. They had just randomly began to talk about their books and how much each other read.

"Oh shit I forgot to tell you." Sero slapped his forehead. "We are gonna go out later today with the Bakusquad, I was wondering if you want to come with us." Sero smiled. Todoroki smiled softly before replying.

"Yeah I'll come," Todoroki smiled a bit larger. "What time?" He asked calmly. He put one of his hands under his chin, holding his head on it.

"Around 4 tonight." Sero told Todoroki before winking and walked away to his boyfriend. Todoroki jolted back slightly but went back to doing whatever he could do. He was super excited for later.

Later 3:01

Todoroki bolted up and jumped into the shower. He turned on the water but accidentally slipped in the water and fell in the tub. He slightly cured at himself as he started getting wet with in the water.  He pulled himself out as he struggled, he took off his clothes that were a bit wet and threw them to the side. After he took a shower he grabbed on some clothes which was black button up, he tucked up his sleeves and he tucked it in his pants which were also black cuz my boy is emo. He looked in the mirror with a smile with himself for doing an okay job. He ran out the door to be hit with another one, well actually he thought it was a door before looking up and seeing Bakugo there.

"O-oh sorry.." Todoroki apologize and smiled sheepishly, his eyes closed as he smiled. He was about to get up on his own before Bakugo lend out his hand. Todoroki looked slightly confused before but took it anyways. He was pulled up by a great strength, he almost let out a shock sound before stopping himself.

"It's fine, I just came to come get you. Everyone is already waiting outside." Bakugo looked him up and down before looking away. He was wearing a black sweater with blue/black pants. He was also wearing a orange/tan scarf around him.

"Oh, thanks." Todoroki muttered, "Give me a sec." Todoroki slightly closed the door and reached for his jacket and his baby blue scarf. "Alright I'm ready!" He smiled brightly as he held his scarf. Bakugo looked at him and blushed.

It was illegal to be that adorable.

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