19: Books

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The past few days Todoroki has noticed how different Kirishima and Bakugo have acted towards him, they were like super cautious of him. He also noticed that he saw the bandage around the huge bruise. 'Was that there before?' Todoroki would question it from time. But then reminded himself that he didn't exactly watch Fuyumi wrap his bandages.

Right now he was just currently bringing in some boxes of books that were sent from Fuyumi. He had asked her to bring him some since he was almost done with the ones he brought the first time. He had 8 boxes, yes he asked for pretty much the entire book shelf, so he started taking 2 so far. They were a bit tall but he could sorta see, barely. He was walking through the common room and seen Bakugo and Kirishima. Of course because he always somehow bumps into one of them or both, it was a bit strange but he didn't mind.

"Woah woah Todoroki, why are you carrying so many boxes!?" He quickly got up and rushed to help him as so did Bakugo. They took one box and looked at him.

"I was just carrying these boxes to my dorm, there filled with books I had from home." He explained, there was something off about them, something that Todoroki couldn't quite explain.

"We'll help, how many more boxes do you have?" Bakugo asked walking to the elevator with the two.

"I have 6 more outside and you don't have to help I can do it just fine." Todoroki argued, his injuries were quite okay besides the huge bruise but other than that he could walk at least no trouble.

"No it's okay we can help." Bakugo grunted back, Todoroki was starting to get annoyed, it was like they were watching him, babysitting. And it was starting to get on Todoroki's nerves. Todoroki wanted to argue but they were just trying to be nice. He sighed and just walked with them to his dorm.

"You can just set it down here," Todoroki pointed to the corner. "I have to put it somewhere else anyways." Todoroki mumbled, going down to the floor and opening the boxes. "The rest are just outside the dorms." He said not bothering to even look at them. Bakugo and Kirishima looked at each other with worry before leaving. Todoroki glanced at the door, his eyes filled with sadness but quickly wiped it off.

He turned to his books and saw them, they were each in a different category. This one was horror books, yes he loves these kinds of books, always keeps him on the edge of his seat. He looked in his room and stared at his shelf above his bed. He decided to put his favorite books there and the rest in his drawer. Mei was just sleeping peacefully on his bed and getting the bestest sleep ever. Kirishima came in the room and set down 2 boxes on the ground next to the others. He looked at Todoroki who was just excitedly looking at the books, this one he had were comedy and just funny books. Kirishima smiled before leaving to get more. A few seconds after Bakugo had came in the room. He set down the boxes next to the ones Kirishima had put and took a quick glance at Todoroki. He was bending down to pick up a book that he thought was one but turned out to be two, Bakugo stared at his ass and blushed crimson red. He walked out the room covering his face.

"Bet I can beat you to his dorm." Kirishima challenged having one box in his hands while Bakugo had one also.

"Your on." He grinned, the two ran towards the elevator and both ran inside. Meanwhile Todoroki was looking though his boxes but he couldn't find the last category. He began to search for it, it was one of his favorite books. He stood up and counted the books, he mentally slapped himself and relaxed realizing that Kirishima and Bakugo had them.

He burned the boxes with his quirk since they had no purpose anymore, he swept up the ashes and threw it into his garbage can. As he was putting his broom away Bakugo had came into the room, it seemed as if he was running for miles, Kirishima followed behind. He rushed towards him and opened the box the blonde was holding obviously impatient. Bakugo did not seem to be annoyed which was fine, Todoroki looked and let out a relief sigh.

"Why the relief sigh?" Bakugo asked, looking at the books in curiousness and looked back at Todoroki.

"I thought I didn't have this category here with me." Todoroki explained taking the box and setting it on the bed accidentally startling Mei, a silent sorry was heard.

"Why, is it your favorite?" Kirishima joined, sitting next to him while Bakugo leaned against a wall with his arms crossed. He heard a hum from the smaller.

"What kind of category is it?" Bakugo asked, Todoroki smiled softly before knelling on his bed to put some of the books there.

"My favorite kind is the love and romantic kind," Todoroki smiled softly, Bakugo and Kirishima were taken back, they didn't think he would actually like that kind. "It's because its nice when the person accepts the other persons feeling.." Todoroki smiled softly to himself as he sat down. "The feeling of being loved.." Todoroki softly said. The room became silent but not uncomfortable. Kirishima and Bakugo had thought about them confessing to him lately but every time they see him they feel like it's too soon. They also had thought about the future, if they ever did confess but all they could think of was nothing. Bakugo looked down as so did Kirishima, they were silent for a few minutes. Todoroki was thinking about if he would ever be with someone, all the poor boy needed was a little bit of love. He thought about being with Kirishima and Bakugo before, he looked up at both of them neither looking back at him, then he looked back down. Todoroki sighed softly but sadly.

"Hey," the sudden voice startled him, he looked at Kirishima. "Wanna read some of these books, we could start a book club or something!" Kirishima said excitedly, Todoroki laughed at his silly actions while Bakugo smirked, the blonde looked at Todoroki.

"Let's do it plus you have a lot of books soo.." Bakugo said extending the 'oo' sound. Todoroki looked at both of them and smiled.

"Alright."He smiled getting up.

Words 1104

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