Provoked another

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I was in a long hallway; the walls were green in colour. I felt like my 15-year-old self; I felt so because I would wear this one shirt that I loved during 2013 (I think I did wear that particular shirt). Then, spots of blood started forming on the empty canvas walls. They absorbed the blood and patches of red spread slowly to make random shapes. It looked like I was in the middle of Aunt Bett's garden. There were areas of the walls where they couldn't withstand more blood, so blood came drooping outside among the long corridor. Soon, came a tsunami of red towards me. The sound of heavy tidal was mixed with the voice of screeching mermaids. I couldn't run away thus fell on my back after being splashed immensely by the waves. I couldn't move a muscle, I laid on the floor and slowly opened my closed eyes (I didn't know why I wanted to). I saw a group of mermaids following the push of the current. They were somewhat beautiful and ugly looking but none went to harm or closer to me. They just passed above me; as I lay observing them.

I realized the floor was human skin- the surface was filled with tiny hairs thanking buoyancy. I plunged inwards the skin and fell into a dark realm. There wasn't any colour but black has rotten the place. Straight ahead, a sound of mutter came. I followed it in hopes I'd meet someone. There wasn't anyone though except for a big monstrous mouth. Just a mouth, yes. It was eating jumbles of mice carcasses. I was petrified but nothing seemed normal throughout the whole day anyway. It stopped munching and asked me to hand it a glass of water. That surprised me hence I revised every trick to escape. However, its tone was soothing. It kept asking for water because eating mice made its throat dry apparently.

"I don't see any water." I placed my concern (although my main concern was not to make it angry).

"There's one on your left," it replied.

I swore there wasn't anything the naked eyes could see what the gigantic mouth emphasized. We all had those moments during exams when the teacher came to check on us, so we pretended to know what to do- I did the same thing with the mouth.

"Sure...let me...get it," I spoke with stutters.

I searched the dark area diligently. I even crutched to touch the ground. About 15 steps to my left, I sensed a musty floor. Suddenly, I touched something square, big- a gallon I assumed. I was painstaking it and trudged it towards the mouth. Tentatively, the thing I was carrying could just be a cloak of dense illusion but truthfully, a huge mouth asking you for water was pressuring enough to make any illusion a "water". I stood a few metres away from the mouth and threw whatever I was carrying inside it. It smiles shaped so paisley, like winning to haggle a high price of wanting.

"I think he's here." it stooped a sentence.

I didn't understand what it meant so I asked it to elaborate further.

While I was waiting to be answered, it cleaned its teeth using its tongue nonchalantly. Out of the blue, someone yanked me from behind and roughly pushed me to the side. That person was my crush! Without second thoughts, he kissed me hard as his hands crinkled my shirt, merely raised it above my bra. Everything went so fast then 6 kisses later we stopped. His hair was rumpled and drenched in sweat.

"I never loved her. I was lonely." he expressed his guilt. 

Again, everything was all sudden and at once. I couldn't make sense of what had happened. I started quavering; everything I saw, talked, touched, heard, tasted, were freaking me out. So, I ran leaving the mouth and my crush. This was rationality asking to a lot.

After the short run, I crooked my spine so I could rest myself on my knees.

"Blink." a voice resonated in the dark surroundings. It sounded like the mouth. Its voice was still calming but ravaged the panoramic view. Torn wallpapers started peeling off the walls (the wallpapers were black in colour? Such a horrible sense of interior design). As the wallpapers came off, white walls were exposed. At that point, my anxiety was arousing.

"Blink." the mouth said again from a distance away. I was paralyzed, too doubtful to do anything thus I obeyed the mouth- I blinked.

After some blinking, I was in the living room, sitting with grandma while she sew a hole on my sister's tacky skirt. I felt turbulent. I was still shaking then managed to conceal my fiery imagination and anxiety.

Shit. Having to explore imagination is great, but too much exploring led me to imagine intrusively and that got me with too much hell. 

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