9. It Girl

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Her photoshoot was far from easy. Lee changed clothes so many times she could not count. And the make-up artists and the hairstylists constantly fussed over her. They loved her eyes and wanted to play up the hazel green, cat-like eyes. Her complexion was so good, less make-up was better. For most of the shots, Lee's hair was flat ironed, with a simple part down the side or middle. Lee loved her hair straight, she knew it was extra work, but she would probably never wear it in its natural curly state again.

She was stressed out after the first few sessions, but it never showed on her face. She was a pro and the camera loved her.

"Lee, this is going to blow up and you're going to be a superstar. And you're only, thirteen?" the photographer asked.


"Perfect age to break into modeling."

Lee was glad when the day was finally over.

The school newspaper heard of Lee's photoshoot and wanted to interview her. She was in the spotlight, and she knew that would bring unwanted attention. Why couldn't she be a normal teenager, yet still have success in the modeling world?

Her weekends were booked solid through the end of the year. There were lots of local and national campaigns that wanted her face. She won her first runway assignment that would be in New York in a few weeks. She was indeed blowing up like the photographer said.

Even though she was fully over Mark and they made better friends than a couple, she felt very lonely. She was too busy to think about going on a date, but that did not stop the lames from trying to ask her out. Hot guys, freshmen all the way up to seniors. She was making a name for herself at the school.

"You look awesome Lee!" FeeFee said as she scrolled through her phone at the website she was all over.

"Thanks," Lee said, munching on a pretzel at lunch.

"Hey Lee, I need an autograph," Yvette said. "Sign my bookbag."


"Come on, it may be worth something one day," Yvette said.

Lee groaned but went ahead and signed whatever Yvette and FeeFee wanted. Soon, other students around the school saw what she was doing, and they wanted an autograph as well. It was wearing her out. Everywhere she went, someone was always bothering her.

"Lee Anderson. Wow! Sign my shirt," a guy said, stopping her in the hall.

Lee let out a frustrated sigh, about to lose it, then she spotted Mark walking by.

"Excuse me, later," she said to the guy she did not know. She rushed over to her ex-friend who all but ignore her. "Mark!"

"Hey, I saw you were with one of your fans, don't let me disturb you."

"Mark, we're not dating anymore, but we're supposed to be friends. I'm getting all this attention at school and-"

"It's what you wanted."

In a way it was. She wanted to model and be an actress and to be successful at that came fame. Could she handle it? All that entailed. Her life splattered everywhere for those to read about. Invasion of privacy?

Lee stood there quietly. Maybe that was the smartest thing he had said to her. So many emotions ran through her: confusion, angriness, hurt, betrayal, upset...then she felt nothing.

"Mark, our friendship means something to me. I don't have many people I can call friends here, and you're one of them. My life is changing so much lately...I still need you in my corner," Lee said to him.

Mark nodded. "Okay but, I don't want all the attention to lead to attention to me. I'm not ready to come out to everyone."

"Your secret is safe with me." She hugged him before he walked off just as another fan walked up to her.

"Hey Lee, can I have your autograph," the girl yell out, but Lee did not stop to acknowledge her.

She was not being mean, she was not going to stop and sign something for every single person in the school. Some may think she had it all, but she had nothing. Maybe she shod be homeschooled while she lived out her dreams to be an actor.

No, she still wanted her life. She had to figure out a way to balance it all.

"Have you forgotten Mark yet? Lee, you're in a position no other girl at Larkin has right now. You're famous!" Yvette said.

They were at Lee's house having a "Cheer Up" party. It was just her, Yvette, and FeeFee.

"Yes! I bet when the guys find out you and mark broke up, you'll have so many dates, you could spare some," FeeFee told her.

"You think?"

"We know!" both Yvette and FeeFee chimed out.

They all laughed.

"And uh, I know someone who likes you, Lee," FeeFee told her.


"He's a sophomore. Plays football."

"Really? Do I know him?"


"Who?" Lee asked again.

"Julius Morgan."

"Julius Morgan!" Lee and Yvette screamed out.

"He is so hot!" Lee said.

"Hot is not the word for how gorgeous that boy is," FeeFee said, fanning herself with her hand.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute! Isn't he going out with Ms. Shawni? I see them together all the time," Yvette said.

"Uh-oh, no, can't go there. Shawni hates me!"

"He's not going out with her. Trust me," FeeFee said.

"He likes me?"

"Yes! We have Biology together," FeeFee said.

"Well, hopefully he'll ask me out."

The girls were right, the guys were swarming her in no time. Lee didn't act like she was all that, but there was no way she would go out with half the guys that approached her. She would take her time and date whomever she chose.

"This is amazing. Lee all alone," she heard behind her.

She turned and smiled when she saw Julius Morgan. He was extra hot, with all that gorgeous hair and a body that was too much for his young age.

"Hey Julius," she said, trying to keep her eyes focused on his face, and not wandering around his body.

"So, where are your adoring fans?"

"Gone, for now. Hey, walk me to class."

As Julius walked Lee to class, they talked and got to know each other. Lee liked everything about Julius. He was the quarterback on the junior varsity team, and he was good. He was no dumb jock either, he was very smart. He was an only child like her. He was a Pop because he was a jock, not because he was from the rich side of town like Lee, but she didn't care about that.

"I just got my driver's license last week," he said to her.


"I can get my dad's car, want to take a ride with me?"


"This Saturday?"

"Oooo, no! Can't. I have two photoshoots on Saturday. And don't mention Sunday because they work me then too."

"You poor thing," he said. "Well look, how about I drive you home after school Friday?"

"Cool, but I wasn't going home. I have acting lessons with my teacher. But you can come to pick me up," Lee said.

"I guess if taht is all you have to offer me. Can we hang out then?"

"Sure, for a bit. I have to get up pretty early the next day."

Hot guy, check! She had this in the bag.

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