Hotter Than Hell - The Masked Ball

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Chapter Three –The Masked Ball

Tap…… Tap

The sounds of my high heel echoed down the empty hallway as I hurried towards my class, I took one more peak at my watch and realized I was now thirty minutes late for my class. I had to admit I was not an early riser, but as a teacher I needed to set an example for my students by arriving early for class.

I was about to make my last turn when someone cleared their throat behind me, I spun around and found principal Adams standing behind me with his arms folded shaking his head.

Detention; that was my first thought as I watched the principal staring me down, but then I remembered immediately that I was a teacher and the only thing the principal could do would be to give me a warning or something similar.

“You’re late as usual Kaleen.” He scolded.

“Er…….. My car broke down.” I lied.

He gave me a look that said he didn’t believe me, “Never mind……. The school is organizing a masked ball tonight and I need you to chaperone the kids. I was going to ask Mrs. Lannigan but her niece fell sick suddenly and she had to leave town.” Principal Adams announced.

I don’t like this one bit, I frowned, I didn’t want to spend my precious night walking around making sure kids were not making out in a closet or smoking weed. What I wanted to do was curl up in front of my TV and watch a soap opera preferably the young and restless, call me old which I am.

Principal Adams seemed to sense my hesitation because he said, “I wouldn’t have asked but there’s no one else.” He pleaded.

“Ok.” I said giving in.

Hence at 6:30 I slipped into my black mini strapless dress and put on some matching heels and made my way to the Raven High gym where the masked ball was supposed to take place. The minute I arrived I was enveloped with loud music and screaming teens.

“Am here bitches.” One boy who already looked drunk climbed on his car to scream. “There are some foxy ladies here tonight.” He whistled at a group of girls who passed by him.

“Hey you get down right now.” I yelled at him.

“And who might you be.” He jumped of the car coming to stand in front of me, obviously he didn’t know I was a teacher or he wouldn’t be raping me with his eyes.

“I’m Miss Kaleen, the new literature teacher.” I replied with my arms folded across my chest waiting for him to run away.

“Oh……s-s-sorry.” He mumbled and run off with his friends. After he was gone I made my way inside the gym where I was sure half of the people in there would either be drunk or making out.

“This is going to be a long day.” I sighed.

Jason’s POV

“Wanna skip this party and go somewhere love.” A slut who Jason knew as Gloria whispered in  his ears, normally he would take on her offer and they would be in the back of his truck fooling around, but right now he needed to concentrate on something.

“Sorry Geegee I’m busy.” Jason replied.

She pouted and battered her eyelashes at him, “Come on Jay.” She purred, she also leaned closer and started rubbing her breasts against his chest, Jason sighed as he felt his groin waking up.

“I promise you’ll have a good time and I’ll do anything you want.” She said in her sexiest voice.

A smile spread on his face, how could he refuse an offer like this, already images of wild sex began to circulate in his head as he pictured them naked and entwined having hot sex.

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