touch me - p.t

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Hello, people there. Here's another imagine for you guys. Warning: this imagine deals with a tough topics and there's mentions of sexual harrasmaent Hope you enjoy.

Her and Peter were the perfect couple and had everything a couple wanted or needed. Except one thing. They've never had sex with each other they were nervous and didn't wanna mess up there perfect relationship because neither of them could satisfy the other.

Peter was so in love with and beat himself up daily because of that. Diana was the opposite she still was upset but it was nice because her past relationship wasn't the best and Peter was an amazing boyfriend.

She loved that man with all her heart and didn't want anyone or anything to ruin it. Her first, relationship in years where the man wasn't a useless, abusive piece of shit.

Peter had just walked through the door when her thoughts were interrupted.

"Honey, I'm home." Peter yelled, slamming the door and rushing down the hall.

He bombarded her wit kisses and wrapped his arms around her breathing a sigh of relief he was home for a while.

"Was the tour fun?" She asked, smiling as he still peppered her with kisses.

"It was good but you will not believe the amount of lingerie that was thrown. We are family friendly band and they were throwing there bras and underwear at us like a bunch of idiots." Peter exclaimed, recalling an incident from the tour.

"Wow! The audacity of those people. Welp, your a true rockstar minus the groupies." Diana laughed, her boyfriend the rockstar.

"Yeah. No groupies for this man. I got me a woman. I wish you could come on one of the tours and I could show you to the whole world." Peter whined, falling into Diana's body making her fall into the counter.

"Well, maybe one day. I'd love to go though." Diana stared into his beautiful caramel colored eyes. He had the most beautiful eyes and she loved how they softened when he was around her.

Peter took this intimate moment and decided to pepper kisses down her face and her neck. Diana soon tensed up at the feeling. The feeling coursing through her body was not a good one. Memories of her past relationship with Nicholas were flashing befor her eyes. She soon was pushing Peter off her and was on the kitchen floor crying and hyperventilating.

Peter soon sat down next to her cradling her frail body. She felt like a little bird who just lost there wings. He had no clue his action would cause such trauma for her. He did know her troubled past and she had a couple bad relationships but he didn't think it'd be this bad.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Peter looked down at her only to see that she had covered her face with a towel and was trying to suffocate. Peter frantically tried to tug and pull and her to get the towel off but she had gripped it so tight he could see her knuckles becoming white.

"No, Nick. You cant make me." The fear that crossed Peter's mind was heartbreaking. She thought he was Nick.

"Baby its me. Peter Thorkelson." Peter said, using his full last name though he preferred not too.

She threw the towel off and looked at his face and cried, apologizing profusely.

He just took her head and cradled it. "It's okay. It's okay."

He kissed her forehead and they sit crisscross on the floor.


I know this wasn't the ending you were expecting but I thought that it was satisfactory. I love this one. I hope you do too.   I'm gonna go back to work now. Bye ✌🏼

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