Just like the movies.

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"Hey Anan!" Bonz called making Yin look away from thr assignments he was doing.

"Have you seen Phi' War's new Movie Recommendation video?" Bonz quickly added as be sat down near Yin. With the information that his dear friend had said Yin quickly whipped out his phone to check his bestfirend new video update, with a very heavy feeling looming around him.

The thing is Movie Recommendation videos is their thing. The only videos in war's channel that they actually share and Yin seriously doesn't know what to feel about war's new upload without him. mad? sad? disappointed?

"Hello there my Pork Sausages! This is another episode of Friday movie recommendations with Yi--" War paused for a second, eyes clearly going thru alot of emotions but he was so fast on collecting himself and smiled to the camera quite happily, almost making yin throw his phone out of frustration.

"Friday movie recommendations with War!" the man on the video said it quite cheerily, Yin seriously felt mad and sad at the same time.

"Today's movie recommendation is Unrequited Love, its a chinese movie that talks about well, a Unrequited love. our girl Luo Zhi  having this sweet little crush with the ever so popular Huai Nan. Of course we kinda get the gist of the while movie by just the title itself but that aside! im actually gonna watch the drama version, cause people said it was more "emotional". the movie itself manage to bring me back feelings and memories," war said fondly while his eyes somewhat looked sad, Yin noticed the lack of brightness in his bestfriends eyes and he feels really guilty. he knows he was the atleast one of the reason.

"I honestly love this movie because it manage to encapsulate the happy feeling of falling for someone, that hopeful feeling that maybe somehow you'll end up together and that sad feeling after realizing you might be having a one-sided love, the effort you try to make your own feelings change and the fear of loving that one certain person but you're way too deep and your just drowning--- Im  babbling right now, right?" War scoffed. Yin can't stop his own smile with what war said.  he was still watching the video and not even caring if he was late in class.

"i feel for Luo Zhi so much. i like. wait no i love someone right now but i know that person doesn't feel the same with me. i know my girl Luo Zhi tried to bury her own feelings but when Huai Nan literally became close to her. She can't help but fall deeper for him but of course chaos and feelings getting mixed up because the contents of her diary was leaked. I swear i almost slapped and punched someone when i saw my girl cry. " war laughed at his own statement. 

"im not gonna spoil the ending as always but just letting you know. some feelings are better left unsaid. yes, it hurts but atleast you  won't have to nurse a heartbreak when you know you don't share the same feeling with the person you love. theres no reason to fight for your own feeling." war said again.  Yin felt his own sting with war's word.

The Video turned black and yin thought it was the end  of the video. So he checked the  bar but it still had some good minutes left so he got confused.

And then war was back again, clearly using his phone and not the camera set up he has.  

"i know you guys are wondering why yin, the other guy whom i regularly do this with me isn't here. well uhm- he is currently busy with school so, i will be doing Friday movie recommendations alone some quite time." war smiles a little at the camera. lies that was whay yin thought.

After their big fight over war's "secret love", the smaller guy has been avoiding yin. usually war will sulk but he still will talk to yin and usually they get it settled not even a day after they fought but right now, war has been avoiding him for a whole week now and it honestly driving yin mad.

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