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under the cold shower, head still in chaos. 12 am still no mark on my skins. It was yet another Dejavú. A painful reminder that the man he sees his future with is not the one destined for him.

Mark should have known, He knows. He just doesn't want to believe that he was one of the people who doesn't have any person destined to him.

it's unfair.

"Masa, son. Please-" 

"mom, i'm tired. i just want to have the perfect excuse to love him all my life, was that too much to ask?" Mark said, as much as he doesn't want to sound helpless but his voice has its own venom when he heard it.

"your boyfriend has been trying to call you, talk to him son." his mother urged but somehow it was like mark was getting deaf, with his inner voice more dominant.

he will never be yours.

you have no one.

Next thing he knew was he was letting out a painful heart wrenching scream and an incessant knock on his bathroom door and then black.

Mark has long forgotten the feeling of wanting to find a soulmate or even getting a mark that would be paired with someone. he has closed his heart to anyone and to love.

"There's this one senior in our course who still hasn't got his mark yet." James said out of nowhere that made everyone on their table look at him.

"you mean P'Vee??" fuse said, while looking at james, confirming his answer.

"yea. they said he actually had one but one day it just, poof-- gone" james said making sure to add some extra movements while telling the story.

"i've only read that in the books, marks disappearing but that would be so sad. imagine getting one and then one day, it's gone.'"  Field suddenly spoke up.

"what are the reasons for losing your soulmate's mark?" Mark asked, suddenly his interest was piqued.

"according to the book that i've read. either your mate died or it stopped believing."

"how about not having a soulmate mark yet?"

"a book once theorized, that getting your soulmate mark means you already have met them or for some accidentally have met them already. "


i just really want a yinwar/veemark identifying soulmate mark au skskskks
lemme work on this as a solo one shot in this app, i miss doing one shots 🥲

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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