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If you ain't a fan of kpop, theres a chance that you haven't heard this song but honestly this probably one of my favorite songs that ever released. i can have a whole ass page just to explain why i love this particular song but i'll spare y'all of the technical talks lol.


'Have you ever felt really close to someone? so close that you can't understand why you and the other person have two separate bodies, two separate  skins.'

We have lived with that little thought that maybe somewhere and someone would be that one person you would feel 'home' and belong.

Always hoped to find the 'one'. 

When was the first time you've 'accidentally' met your soulmate?

maybe, perhaps when you were in the street, while you were rushing to one of your appointment? or maybe when you crossed the street? but all of those are just little chances and most of them time missed chances to actually see the 'one'.

what if when you bumped into him while you were rushing somewhere, he was the same and both of didn't bothered to look back and just said the quick sorry's or when you were supposed to cross the road, you found your shoes untied and totally missed them.

The real meet up would be when the both of you had finally stared at each other and shared that first awkward hello's. 

Hello, I'm War.

Nice to meet you, I'm Yin.

Somehow, it'll take for your soul to actually settle in and realize that the person infront of you is already the 'destined one'

We didn't made an effort to be close with each other, didn't tried to talk. we didn't want to be close just because of work. we let our selves be close naturally.

It took us the longest but if  one day, you need someone. I'll be one of the person who will be at your side, you can rely on me. I'll support you in every step of the way.

It's both scary and  amusing to find a person who will complement you way too good, like a puzzle piece.  two completely people finding and sharing the same frequency with each other, being the best version of each other while being  each other support system.

Soulmates doesn't always mean it's the destined one, romantically but sometimes it can be the one whom you will be your personal confiner, A friend, the brother by bond. Soulmates is a  fascinating  thing, just like how love is a its very own form of art. 


now, this is a real drabble HAHAHHA.

but okay, we finally got Yinwar's result and thank god they are both okay~huhuhu 

and i shall be gone again until the next update of fakin' it in style. good bye! sksks hahahha

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