Unbreakable Love

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Sirens blaring, people shouting, pain in his whole body..

But even with those words were lingering in his mind.

If there's a next lifetime, I promise to stay again by your side, even if it hurts. Dew, I promise you that.

Then everything went black.

War woke up with a fright, tears staining his face and he was drenched in his sweat.

Those dreams again.

War has been having dreams that seem to contain someone else's memories. War doesn't even remember when these dreams started but at first, they were all fleeting dreams, those dreams you will forget the moment you open your eyes but these recent dreams, he might not remember the dream but there's always strong feelings left behind.

If War would think hard and long, he can always remember parts of those dreams and he was sure, in those dreams, whoever that was,  would always promise and feel the same thing, finding and protecting that one person.

War was never a stranger to a messy look when he stares at the mirror every morning, but this particular morning was just different. his eyes were red, fresh tears were still pooling in his eyes. He was a mess and his mind was repeating one name. Dew.

There's suddenly this urge, a determination to find whoever dew was.


War who was just minding his own business while setting up his camera for the next photo shoot he was gonna do, when some of the staff started to gasp and scream little. He knows the man that he was gonna work with was here already.

"before you go and do your make-up, let me first introduce you to our photographer."  War hears his "boss" Tay talking to the newcomer artist. Tay was his long time-friend who practically passed his love of photography to war and right now they were technically partners at work. Tay as the chief editor and war was his photographer. It was safe to say, they were a Buy 1 take 1 deal.

War is so used to working with high-profile artists that he practically knows how to act professionally around them, of course, some became friends so sometimes war was jsut casual with them. this newcomer was a new rising artist so he needs to be professional and in Tay's word, look kind and approachable. So he did set aside the prior work he was doing and was ready to meet the artist that Tay was talking to.

"This is war, war this yin," Tay said. war who was still fixing himself up mindlessly reach out to the other and when his eyes met the stranger's eyes, emotion flooded him. He felt the longing, happiness, and sadness all at the same time. it overwhelmed him. His mind was on some sort of overdrive and there was a voice in his head, it was small but enough to open something in him.


"Hey war, you okay?" Tay nudged him. War was sent back to reality. Yin was staring at him with a confused and worried face. 

War quickly retracted his hand and wiped that one stray tear he had. "Uhm, sorry. something jsut got caught in my eyes" he poorly excused. 

"I won't be holding you for too long, I know you have other schedules after this and I know you would love to have little breaks in between, I hope we can work well together today." war said as he both dismiss tay and the artist.

war willed himself to look away at the retreating back of the artist and there again a pang in his heart. a too familiar feeling yet feels so foreign.

the interview + photoshoot was done earlier than expected. Yin was a good artist to work with, he knows and understands what he needs to do and he just made everyone impressed with his well-thought answers. Even tay who rarely gets impressed with the artists that he works with directly was already fond of yin.

"I enjoyed today's shoot and interview." yin politely says to war and tay. 

"then come back again to do an interview and shoot with us!" tay jokes but yin eagerly nods his head. war who was silently looking at the two, can't help but smile fondly.

"I will! just call me and I will push all my other schedules to work with your team again!" the artist said quite excitedly.


i lik--

the words he saw on the latter's back crushed his remaining confidence and hope.

"I will always love you"

those words were enough, it was a loud and clear answer.

"good luck friend"

were his last words before he fully turn away and let his tears fall down.

"you too, best"  

he just never moved on from the pain and the longing he had for dew that it ultimately and literally killed him inside out.

best was so engrossed in whatever he was looking at on his phone that he didn't even realize that there was a car approaching him and at fast speed, all he knew the next thing was he was on the ground, feeling pain in his whole body.

while trying to understand what happened to him. his mind was on one person, the person where he has the most regret at.

 again, tears were running on war's face. but he just feels empty and lost. 

Best or whoever was that was in love with dew and dew was his first and greatest love that coincidentally looks like Yin, the new artist he just worked with.


if I posted this on my Twitter account, they would have my arteries jk.
this little "story" has been in my mind since the end of the best story and can i just say, GIVE THEM HAPPY ENDING. PLEASE.

but here's my own little take on dewbest with a touch of reincarnation theme on the side and I know I left it in a very abrupt ending but this was a prompt I've been having and it just feels good to have at least a part of the story in a short drabble/prompt.

quick note, I do have 2 ongoings rn, one here which is "fakin' in it style" and 1 on Twitter an sns au one lol. I'll be updating them alternately lmao.

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