I'm a little nervous for today, why? because I'm confessing to my closest friend dolores
She doesn't even know my sexuality, and ofcourse i know about her gift so i didn't tell anyone about me liking her
"Waaahhh, how am i supposed to do this?"
"Do what?" My sister maria walked in my room
"I'm confessing to someone"
"You like someone?!" Maria said shocked
"How didn't i know?"
"I'm good at hiding it"
"I don't trust you, but ok"
"Wait!" I said before she left the room
"Any tips on how to do it?"
"Just say whatever's in your heart little sis, and you better do it soon. I wanna see this person you like" Maria said stern
"Oh you'll like her very much"
"So it's a her" Maria said smirking at me
"Yeah, whatever go already"
"Aight, bye"
After that conversation i got dressed up and went to the casita
"Hola y/n" Julieta greeted as she saw me enter
"Hola julieta"
"Where's dolores?"
"Probably in her room, she was in a bad mood. Please go try to chill her out"
"Oh, thankyou julieta"
"No problem"
I immediately went to dolores' room "dolores, it's me y/n" I whisper-shouted as i knocked
"Go away" I heard, her voice cracked. "Yeah, I'll take that as a go in'' i said and opened her door
I looked at her bed seeing her covered in her blanket " Hey, what happened " I said as i walked towards her bed
"Nothing, now go"
"I can hear you crying, and crying isn't nothing dolores"
"Well, i want some alone time"
"Well I'm sorry but you won't get it"
I sat beside her and patted her head
"What put you in such a bad mood?"
She didn't answer, i pulled down her blanket to see her crying, i patted her head
While she looked at me angry, but she still didn't pull away
"I like you dolores"
'Uhhh, is this the time where i go back to my house and cry myself to sleep?'
"I like you, i really do. And even tho you might not like me back i just wanted to confess so it won't hurt me that i didn't say that to you"
She reddened and hugged me tightly 'Uuhh, what does this mean?'
"I like you too y/n"
My heart skipped a beat, my eyes widened she let go of the hug and smiled at me, i smiled at her too
I wiped off her tears, she looked at me and cupped my face
She pulled me close and kissed me, it stayed like that for a few seconds before she let go
I smiled at her "So... Mind telling me why you were in a bad mood" I said
She looked embarrassed and looked everywhere else but me mumbling something
"Dolores i don't have superhearing like you"
She looked at me "I thought you were confessing to someone else" She said quietly but i heard it
I laughed at her , while she looked at me embarrassed
"Oh darling, I'll never like anyone else but you" I said and hugged her tightly
She hugged me tightly and we layed in her bed, relaxing at each other's embrace
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. After a few minutes i felt dolores get heavier, i realized that she fell asleep
After a while the sun has set, dolores was still asleep. I sat up carefully to not disturb her and went to the kitchen to get some food
"Hola julieta" I greeted as i put some food on 2 plates
"Hola y/n, had fun?" Julieta said looking at me playfully
"Kinda relieved actually"
"You confessed?" Julieta asked, julieta is the only one who knows about me liking dolores. How? Well we communicated with paper so dolores won't hear
And julieta supported me all the way, "Yep" I said smiling
Julieta hugged me "Finally, you've been crushing on her for quite a while"
I hugged her back
"None, Haven't talked about it yet"
She nodded her head and i went back to dolores' room with the foods on my hand
I saw dolores awake, she looked at me and sighed in relief
I put the foods at the table, "I thought you left" She said
"Food?" I asked looking at her, she nodded and sat beside me
We ate and talked until our foods were finished, and it was time for me to go home
"Adios, dolores"
"Adios, y/n"
I left the casita and went to my house, as i opened the door i saw maria
"Hola y/n"
"Hola maria"
"So who's the girl?"
"Hah! you owe me 20 bucks miguel!" She exclaimed as my brother went to the room from the kitchen
"Why not isabela?" Miguel asked sadly and sat beside maria
"Because, i don't have feelings for her?" I said and went to my room
I dressed for bed, brushed my teeth, and layed on the bed
"Goodnight dolores"

Dolores Madrigal x femreader
Fanfictionsometimes oneshots, sometimes chapters, sometimes imagines nevertheless still a book for my favorite character dolores madrigal Requests are also open❤