Confession pt.3

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Dolores' pov:

I woke up seeing my lover's face, still sleeping. I looked at the time and groaned, it was 6am. Too early to start my day

I hear y/n moving, i guess i woke her up "lores?" She asked, i hugged her "Go to sleep, it's too early" I said trying to make her sleep

She hummed and hugged me back, after a while i hear her quietly snoring. I giggled at her and kissed her head

I got out of bed looking at the time, it's now 7am. I got dressed and went outside, antonio just woke up going out of his room,rubbing his eyes, still in his pajamas

"Good morning tonito" I greeted as i walked towards him, he looked at me and greeted back

I carried him in my arms "Wanna hang out with your big sister today?" I ask smiling at him, his face Brightened up

"Yes!" He cheered, i laughed and went to his room. He dressed up while i went to the kitchen to get us breakfast

"Morning tia" I greeted as i got some food, she greeted back and i went back to antonio's room

"Tonito, breakfast is here. Eat first" I said and put the foods at a table, we talked to each other while eating

He keeps asking me about love "Mhm, and what's the feeling like?" Antonio asked and took a bite of an arepa

"Why are you asking this?" I asked laughing, i looked at him he was red. "Oh, tonito has a little secret~" I teased

He whined, while i just laughed at him. "So, who do you like tonito?" I asked him, still eating my food

"Well...I don't know her name" He said looking down, i smirked at him. "Wonder who" I said thinking of the little girls that tonito might like

"Ah! Cecilia?" I asked, he looked at me with a look that says 'didn't i say i don't know'

"Girl with 2 braids, blondish hair, the one who went to your gift ceremony sitting at her father's shoulder?" I said looking at him

His face reddened, "Ha!" I cheered 'I caught him! Definitely gonna tease him with camilo'

"Ok enough about me, how about y/nn are you planning to have a family with her?" Antonio asked, i blushed and put my hand in front my face

I heard him laugh, "I don't know about that tonito, we've only been dating for a few days" I said

We continued to talk, and the birds brought the plates to the kitchen when we finished eating

"Okay, what do you wanna do tonito?" I asked, "We need to feed my friends first, then we can swim in the waterfall" Antonio said happily

I giggled and ruffled his hair, then we fed the animals. When we finished i flopped on the ground exhausted, while antonio just laughed at me

"Okay, stop laughing and go wear your swim suit" I said and he went to his closet while i went to my room

As i entered i saw y/n still sleeping, i looked at the time '12pm, jeez this girl' i shook my head and wore my swimsuit

Then i went to antonio's room to see him already in the waterfall, swimming with his friends

I smiled at him and ran to the water fall, as i was close enough i jumped in it. It made a big splash, drowning antonio

I giggled and carried him, he coughed out the water while i patted his back. Then we just laughed

Y/n's pov:

I woke up not seeing dolores beside, i looked at the clock '1pm' i sighed and sat up

I saw dolores' clothes at the floor 'Messy girl' i shook my head and cleaned up the mess

Then dressed up, i went to the kitchen. Seeing señor agustin with bee stings and señora julieta cooking an arepa for him, they noticed me

"Hola, y/n" They said at the same time, smiling at me. "Hola, señor and señora" I greeted back smiling

"Just call as tia and tio" Julieta said, i nodded. She handed me a plate of food and told me to eat

I went to the table and ate it, talking with luisa beside me. I finished eating and put the dishes at the sink

"Have you seen dolores?" I asked luisa "She's in antonio's room, they're swimming. She told me to tell you to join them after you ate" Luisa said pushing me to dolores' room

"Your swimsuit is at the 2nd drawer" Luisa said and left the room, i wore it and grabbed 2 towels since i know dolores probably forgot hers

I went to antonio's room seeing them laughing with each other at the water fall, i smiled warmly while watching them

"Thinking of having a family?" Camilo said teasing me, he was behind me smirking

I rolled my eyes playfully at him, he laughed which caught dolores' attention. She looked at us and cheered

She ran towards me, when she was about to hug me i moved to the side which resulted to her hugging camilo

They immediately removed each other with a disgusted face, i laughed at them and put the towel at a place near the waterfall

Antonio just laughed at his siblings who were having a mini fight, i laughed with antonio and went to the river

The water was cold, i went to antonio and played with him while the other 2 was still fighting

After a few minutes the 2 was still fighting "Jeez, you two stop fighting. Antonio's getting tired" I said, the 2 apologized and went to the water with us


Dolores and i are now sitting at the side of the waterfall, watching camilo and antonio play

She laid her head in my shoulder "Do you think we'll ever have a family?" Dolores asked

"That's up to you mi amor, if you want then we will" I said, holding her hand. She yawned

"I want to, i want to have a family with you" She said and moved her head to look at me, i looked back at her

She smiled and kissed my lips, it lasted for a few seconds before we pulled away. We smiled at each other

"I love you"

"I love you too"

Then a water got splashed at us "No kissing infront of children" Camilo said annoyed

We laughed at him, and went back to the water. Splashing water at the both of them, which resulted to a water fight


I'm sorry i haven't updated in a few days, my dog just died and i had loads of assignments to finish. So i didn't have much time to write, i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. And I'll try to write more, thank you ❤

Dolores Madrigal x femreaderWhere stories live. Discover now