As you people know, y/n and dolores became great friends. Ofcourse as time passes y/n also got close to the other madrigals
"Y/n come on, it's time for antonio's gift ceremony" Dolores called the girl from the other side of the room, y/n was fixing herself
"One second" Y/n answered and picked up the little box from her bag and put it in her pocket, "ready" Y/n said and held dolores' hand
They walked to the casita and greeted the guests walking by, after a few minutes it was time for antonio to get his gift
They went inside antonio's room and.a tiger carried antonio and ran around the room, not noticing the box drop
They partied all night, and by the time the guests left y/n dragged dolores to the back of the casita
The place was designed with beautiful flowers, a blanket with foods, little fences, and other things
"Wow, did you do this?" Dolores asked looking around, "Not really, i just helped here and there, most of the work was from your family" Y/n answered
"Gracias y/n" Dolores said, y/n smiled and dragges her to the blanket and sat
"Dolores, i have something to say to you" Y/n said looking into dolores' eyes
"I like your cousin-"
"Wait no, wrong script"
"I love you dolores, and i want to spend my whole life with you" Y/n said full of love, dolores can hear their heart beat in sync
Both of them was red "I love you too y/n" Dolores said and their lips connected, the kiss lasted for minutes before they pulled away
They put their foreheads together just enjoying eachothers comapany, "oh, i have a gift for you" Y/n said and reached for the box in her pocket
But she can't find it, she started panicking but a bird flew over and gave her the box with a note
'Clumsy y/n, you dropped this in my room. Be careful next time, there were a lot of people here -tonito♥'
'Gracias tonito" Y/n sighed in relief, then gave dolores the box. Dolores opened it and saw a beautiful bracelet
"It's matching with mine" Y/n said, and helped dolores wear it. "Thank you y/n this is beautiful" Dolores thanked
"Not as beautiful as you, querida"

Dolores Madrigal x femreader
Fanfictionsometimes oneshots, sometimes chapters, sometimes imagines nevertheless still a book for my favorite character dolores madrigal Requests are also open❤