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 "Liquorice wands," Harry mumbled, wondering whether the password supplied to him by his head of house was some sort of joke.

But sure enough the Gargoyle began to move, revealing a stairway up towards Professor Dumbledore's office.

The old man was sitting at a large desk when Harry entered, dictating a letter to the enchanted quill that hung in the air beside him, scribbling away on an expensive-looking piece of parchment.

He stopped when he saw the small boy appear.

"Harry, my boy. How nice it is to see you," he smiled.

"'Lo Professor," Harry greeted him, stopping in the doorway.

"Come in, come in," Dumbledore urged him, gesturing to a chair opposite him.

Harry sat in it, blissfully unaware of the fact its size made him appear even smaller than he truly was.

"Tell me, Harry, how have you enjoyed your first term at Hogwarts?" he asked.

"It's been brilliant, sir. Really brilliant," Harry smiled.

"Good to hear. What has been your favourite part?" he asked, offering him a Sherbet Lemon from a small china dish.

"Thank you sir," he obliged, unwrapping the sweet and popping it into his mouth. "My favourite part...?"

Spending time with an adult who doesn't think I'm a freakish waste of space.

"...Well, it's all been great, but I've loved playing Quidditch most of all," he chose.

"Ah, thoroughly enjoyable for all, I agree. Though it has been many years since I was last aboard a broom," Dumbledore told him. "Still, I am sure you didn't come here to discuss the finer points of the game."

"No, sir. Actually... I came to ask for your permission..." Harry began. "You see, I wasn't able to go on the Hogsmeade trip yesterday. My aunt wouldn't sign the permission slip. She's a bit... wary about anything to do with school. Anyway, I wanted a chance to buy some Christmas presents, for my friends. And so I was wondering..."

"If I would permit a trip to Hogsmeade?" the headmaster guessed.

But Harry shook his head. "I think Hogsmeade will be a bit cold, sir. The floor will be sludge and it'll be too packed with people to be very enjoyable... So I was actually wondering if you'd give me permission to go to Diagon Alley. Not on my own of course, I know that wouldn't be allowed. But maybe if one of the teachers went with me? Perhaps..."

"Professor Snape?" Dumbledore suggested.

Harry's eyebrows disappeared beneath a curtain of dark hair, and the elderly wizard chuckled.

"How did you know what I was going to say?" the boy asked. "Did you speak to him about it already?"

"I can assure you, Harry, that I have neither seen nor heard from Severus since the weekend began," Dumbledore told him. "Your choice of words was merely... illuminating."

Harry simply sat there, gaping at him then, until the headmaster spoke again.

"Might I ask Harry, if you would be kind enough to indulge an old man for a moment – why Professor Snape?"

The boy shrugged his shoulders. "I just like him."

This earned more laughter from the older wizard, and Harry gave him a curious glance.

"Forgive me Harry. It is just that I have worked with your professor for a number of years now, and I cannot say that I have ever had a student tell me they 'like' him before."

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