childhood part 2

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"Raven mother fucking Simmons get your narrow behind down here, and eat your cereal!" My mom yelled from downstairs in the kitchen.

"Hold on I'm fixing my hair!"

"Little girl if you don't get your ass down here Im going to beat your ass!"

"Coming gosh!"

As I ran down stairs with half of my hair done and half of it looking like a hot mess I ran into the kitchen and gave my mom the biggest hug in the world.

"Mmm now you want to show me some love?" She said.

"Mama I love you so much you don't even know" I replied.

"Raven your birthday is in a few weeks you are going to be the big number nine!" My dad said interrupting me and my moms conversion.

"I know I am super stoked to have my first big party!"

"Now now you know we can't have a big party right?"my mom said with a weird look on her face.

"Yes mama I know" I said.

"OK now get your little booty to school now, you don't want to be late" my dad said.

(End of conversion)

As I was running out of my apartment I always said hi to Mr. Brown because he is always sitting out side reading his morning news paper.

"Good morning Mr. Brown"

"Good morning miss Raven, have a nice day at school now"

"Thanks Mr. Brown".

(End of conversion between Raven and Mr. Brown)

Everyday I have to walk three blocks down from my apartment to catch the school bus. When I reach my stop my best friend Sam always gave me a big huge hug. Sam is short for Samantha she had light brown skin almost like a caramel color. She also had bright hazle eyes, and long curly hair. She gets teased a lot because she is Biracial, her mom is white and her dad is black, and in the area that we lived in you were concider a "mutt".

"Raven I missed you!"

"I was only gone for two days"

"I know" she said with a chuckle in her voice.

(End of convention between Raven and Sam)

When the school bus arrived it made a horibble sound almost like the sound you would make if you were clawing your nails on a chalk board. I was always the first one to get on the bus, and I always sat in seat number five because in my name it has five letters. On are way to Grant Elementary there was an accident that happened were it looked like someone got shot in the back of the head. But it seemed like I was the only one who saw it because no one was really freaking out or saying anything about it.

As we arrived to the school I got off the school bus and headed inside with Sam because we both had Mrs. Sowa. Mrs. Sowa teached fourth graders so that means I'm in the fourth grade!

Mrs. Sowa was a very beautiful white Lady she had pretty blond hair and bright blue eyes. As the class took their seats we all did the pledge

(Raven took her right hand and stood up and put her hand across her chest)

" I pledge the allegiance to the flag of the United State of America and to the Republic form which it stands one nation under god in divisible for liberty and justice for all" we all said in unision.

"Now class get out your homework from last night if you don't remember it was over how to do your times tables", she said in her rich girl valley voice.

As time past by we just did are usual schedule that we follow.

•set are bags in the back of the classroom
•gossip for 10 mins
•said the pledge of allegiance
•go over are homework
•did are journal that we had to write in saying what we did this weekend
•did are academic English, Science, Math.
•got eat lunch
• played outside for 20 mins
• go over tonights homework

And that was basically what we do five times a week it never changes.

As I got on the bus I sat in my favorite set. On the way home I always day dream about my future job, sometimes I want to be a model, or a police officer ect....

As I got off of the bus I felt something in me that something is going to happen but as usual I just ignored it and just kept on walking to my house.

As i was walking up the stairs I heard "give me my money or I'm going to kill you and your family". I looked back and there were the same gangsters that I saw a few days ago holding my dad up in the air choking him out.

"Daddy!"I screamed.

"Go inside baby everything is going to be ok" he said. So I ran up to my apartment went in my room, and looked out side of the window to see what was going on.

"Raven I'm scared" my younger brother said.

"Go hide in the closet and get your sisters and tell them to hide under their beds". My brother ran into my sisters room and told them what I need them to do.

As I was looking out of the window all of the sudden I see my mom run up to my dad and try to stop the two gangsters from harming him.

"Get the fuck off of him" she said

"Bitch this is none of your god damn businesses" said on of the mob gangsters.

"I'm not leaving until you let go of my husband!" My mom screamed.

All of the sudden I see him pull out a gun and then....BANG BANG BANG BANG, he shot both of my parents In the chest. When I saw that happens all I could do was cry I couldnt believed what just happened I had no words of what I just witness.

All I saw was both of my parents body just laying on the ground and blood every were, I never seen so much blood in my life.

"Raven were is mommy and daddy?" my younger brother and sisters said. I couldnt even tell them what I just saw I was so shocked,and heart broken so I just stared at them for over four mins with a blank look on my face.

"Mommy and daddy are dead".

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