03 • Hospital

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we reach the hospital and luke is waiting out the front for us, he has truly been one of the best things for us throughout this. we all know he knows what's going on but he hasn't dared to the inform the police because he knows we will deny anything he suggests.

"sweetheart you're gonna be okay, i'll put a few stitches and you'll be all done." he says calmly as he takes me from my mother and makes his way to the ER. my mother and brothers follow behind me as luke lays me on the bed.

"you need to calm down darling, everything's alright now, don't worry. just breathe. do you want me to get ash or cal or mike?" luke asked as he attempts to calm me down.

"cal." i say as i lean my head on the pillow unearth it.

"okay i'll page him and he will come ok?" i nodded.

"okay hun, so what happened, and why is there so much blood?" i refused to answer and just shook my head lightly trying to make myself more nauseous. i saw his face fall at the realisation of what had actually happened.

he turned to my mother and said "i know what's happening and if no one says anything right now i will call security in. i'm not joking this time, i know this isn't as serious as it is usually but this is the last straw. now do any of you want to tell me what's going on or would you like me to call them in?" luke asks.

we all look towards each other and i make eye contact with my mother. we both know we're not saying anything. my mother turns to the boys and looks at them making them understand. my mother looks back up to luke but doesn't make eye contact as she shakes her head and says. "no luke, there is nothing to worry about, she just accidentally cut her finger whilst picking up broken glass."

"and where did that brown glass come from may i ask?"

"i dropped a glass on the floor and asked her to help me clean it up because i couldn't find my glasses." mum lies fluently to anyone on the outside, but luke isn't on the outside anymore, he can tell. he raises an eyebrow tk my mother as calum walks into the room.

"hello everyone, nice to see you all again." he says as cheerily as he can. "so what's happened today hun?"

"i cut my fkn her on a price of glass and i feel really faint." i explained as luke went off to where i assume he will get everything to stitch me up.

"oh that's no good is it? dk you have any reason to be feeling so faint? usually you don't if your cut is as small as it is?" he questions.

"our air conditioning broke and it's been boiling the last few days, we haven't had much rest because it been so muggy." i attempted tk come up with an excuse on the stop, not my bets but it will have to do.

"well that nah be a bit of the reason but i want to do a small little exam on you after luke stitches you up just in case. is that okay with you?" calum turns to my mother and her face drops. she knows luke will be more suspicious if he finds out the results of the tests. but she nods anyways, not being able to get out of this one.

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