Qubool hai

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A girl was running here and there to save herself but was being unsuccessful her legs were painting like he'll but she can't stop. Tears were flowing from her eyes she didn't know what was her mistake but she had to run , run to save herself run to save her dignity , yes sign

Few hours before

She was standing in the airport with her luggage and was moving out hurriedly when she bumped into someone.

Avni's outfit.

Imagine it to be a red dress

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Imagine it to be a red dress.

Avni - I am sorry she said looking at the person who was none other than sheikh who was soon going to be sixty and ruled the whole Dubai and no one goes against him he always marries a new girl and give divorce to his one of his previous 4 wifes.

As according to quran a man can has only 4 legal wife so when sheikh marries a new girl he always give divorce to one of his previous wife.

Sheikh - an takun zawjatan ( my to be wife) and signed his men

Avni - what...what she said shockingly and looked around to see man many man with black turban coming toward so without thinking anything she ran.

Sheikh - go catch her and bring your sheikh's new bride

Avni was running to save her life but it was seen to be impossible as now more than hundreds of man were searching her in their sheikh's order. While running she reached a place were many womens and men's were praying as it was time was salat alfajr (morning prayer)

Avni - ya allah help me she said while sitting beside a man and started praying after completing her prayer she saw sheikh's people. She immediately hide in the person's arm who was beside her.

Avni - please please don't say anything otherwise they will take me with them please help me she mumbled while hidding in his arms more.

"Heyy you can move they are gone" he said to which she slowly moved away and stared around

Seeing no one there she breathed a sigh of relief and upped her lashes to meet with two hazel Brown orbes.

Neil - whom are you running from he asked her

Avni - Its sheikh he wants to marry me she said her eyes filled with tears and was shivering.

Avni - I...i need to run she said while getting up

Neil - where will you go as from seeing you I don't think you are from Dubai

Avni - actually I am from America and came here to explore.

Neil - you know you can't run from them for much time

Avni - b..but I can't marry that old aged man how dare to even think like that.

And left angrily.

Avni - all men are same she said while wiping her tears.

"Ya allah save me " she said when suddenly she get blanked.




"Mashallah she is looking so beautiful"

Avni heared some voice and slowly opened her eyes. And saw many girls surrounding her

Avni - who are you all and what's happening she asked them in a weakly then looked at mirror in front of her and get shocked to see herself in the bridal attire and all events came in front of her .

Then she saw a girl who signed others to leave.

Girl - salam ealaykum She greeted her.

Avni - alkamu Salam she greeted back

Avni - please help me I don't want to marry him.

Girl - I am juhi sorry I can't help you

Avni - please don't say that please help me to run away

Juhi - okay I will help you but will you able to run

Avni - what what do you mean

Juhi - Come she said taking her toward the window and show her outside were many guards were standing

Juhi - it's not enough there are many more outside your room too.

Avni - then what should I do

Juhi - just say qubool hai

Avni - you..... before she could say that she heard the door opening and many womens came inside .

Women - it's time to take you for the nikaah and started to drag her by holding her arms from both side Avni looked back at juhi requesting her to help her but juhi just stared her with sympathy.

They made her sit in front alkahin.(the priest) and soon the ceremony started now it was her turn she wanted to deny but then saw many guns pointed in her direction so replied

" Qubool hai "she said three times

And heared them all celebrating.

And then she was taken away .

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