Ex wife

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Its mature, I am again and again warning you.

In a room, a girl was fidgeting with her fingers nervously when she heard someone calling her name.

"Now from Khurrana enterprises, Ms. Avni will be presenting the presentation. " A man said, making her up her lashes to him. Then she slowly stood up from her and walked toward the projector.

Looking around, she saw everyone gazing at her when her eyes met with a familiar one, making her nervous, but then she quickly averted it .

"Hello everyone myself, Avni."Saying this, she started to explain the presentation.

"And it will help us increase the market price too. "Avni said when she again felt a burning gaze on her. Looking  there, she saw him gazing downward , following his gaze. She  immediately corrected her saree , covering her belly, fully making him fist his hand.

Then she sat back on her place again, which was  unfortunately in front of him, making her more nervous.

"Mr Khanna, I hope you like our presentation." Mr Chopada, her boss, asked.

"Yeah, it was good, but I think it can be improved." He said, staring at her, making her fist her finger angrily trying to control herself.

"Oh..about that dont worry Mr Khanna , you tell us the part which needed to be improved rest Avni will handle. Right, Avni.."Mr chopada said, turning toward her at last.

"Sir, I think that Harsh can do this work better than me , so why dont he handle this project."She said, glancing at her co-worker ,who passed her a smile, making Neil who noticed the little encounter fist his hand tightly, glaring them both.

"Mr Chopada , I think you trusted the wrong person. She got scared even before starting anything. Do you think that your employees are capable of handling such a big deal." He said, staring her with a challenging look, making her clench her fist tightly.

"Sir, you don't worry. I will handle this project. " Avni said, gritting her teeth angrily staring him, then turned toward her boss , who looked at her proudly.

"Okay then Ms...Oh I forgot. What is your name?" Neil asked, smirking at her.

"My name is Avni Mehta," She said, making his smirk vanish and glare at her.

"I think I should be leaving now. And Miss Mehta tomorrow in my office be on time as I dont like people who are irresponsible toward their duty. " Neil said before glaring her one last time, then left making her sigh.


Avni was in her hotel room when she heard someone knocking her door nonstop.

"Why are you kno..." She said, opening the door, but before she could complete her sentence, she felt a harsh pull, and in flex, she heard the door being  locked, she was pinned on the door and felt someone eating her mouth like a hungry lion.

Taking in the fragrance when she knew who the person was, she simply submitted herself to him, letting him do whatever he wanted.

Eating her lips nonstop for more than 10 minutes, Neil left it, but not  before bitting them harshly. He moved to her neck while kissing and bitting on the way, making her hiss painfully. He was busy in his doing when he heard.

"How dare you show what mine to other. " Neil said, digging his finger on her milky white small waist, making her hiss.

"Why are you doing this? Isn't , I am impure and not  filthy for your love. " Avni said, pulling his face a little away from her neck.

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