Meeting The Parents.

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Blake's parents could be here any minute but I was just making sure I looked decent for them until Blake walked in and came up behind me and kissed me on the cheek.

Me: Hi Baby.
Blake: You ok?
Me: Ugh. 😭
Blake: Babe what is it?
Me: What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm only here to use you?
Blake: Honey, listen to me. Please look at me.
Me: Okay I'm looking.
Blake: I love you okay. I am never going to leave you. I am never going to hurt you. They will love you just like I said I love you. Do you understand? When you wake up every single day and when you go to sleep every single night I am going to be next to you holding you like you are the last pretty flower in the garden.
Me: Do you mean it?
Blake: Kiss me and I will show you how much I mean it.

I leaned up to him and trust me this kiss wasn't just any kiss this kiss was just heart warming.

Blake: Now do you believe me?
Me: Yeah. ☺️
Blake: My parents are outside because I hear them talking with my brother so come on I want them to meet my beautiful girlfriend.
Me: Okay. Where is Jeter?
Blake: He's with my brother on his lap.
Me: Okay.

I walked into the living room and I saw his parents with Taylor and Jeter was on Taylor's lap sitting quietly which made me smile.

Taylor: Hey Sarah. You guys okay?
Blake: Yeah she was just nervous.
Taylor: Don't be Sarah.

His mom came up to me first and said her name was Gail and then his dad said his name was Tommy and brought me in for a hug also.

Tommy: So Sarah, how did you and my son meet?
Me: Well we actually met through two Yankee players and one of their wives.
Tommy: Oh wow so you two didn't know each other?
Me: I mean I knew from others who he was and to be honest I liked what I heard from others about him. I mean you want to always go to the right people to get info so yeah I went to a couple of the Yankee players that knew about him and I liked what I heard and wanted to meet him one day. Then my friend Joey came over one day to my place and he said one basketball player needed advice from me about something and I ended up meeting Blake at a restaurant but he was seen with his team a couple of weeks before that by a Yankee player and his wife who told Joey to talk to me about him.
Tommy: Wow that's amazing.
Me: Yeah. To be honest I haven't been this happy in such a long time. I feel safe with your son. I don't feel an ounce of worry and to be honest it has been a really long time since I felt that way.
Gail: That's soo sweet.
Me: Yeah. It is.
Gail: Have you met the team yet?
Me: Yeah they are sweet guys and they welcomed me with open arms.
Gail: That's great. You seem like such a sweet girl and judging the look on my son's face right now I can see you mean the world to him. It has been awhile since I have seen his face like this. I mean the last time if I remember his face being like this was when his son and daughter were born.
Me: Really?
Gail: Mhm. Trust me Sarah you are loving every single ounce of him and I always wanted a woman like that for him.
Me: Thank you that means a lot.
Tommy: Thank you for making my son smile again like that Sarah. You seem like such a wonderful woman.
Me: I'm a mom of my own except my kids are older now. One is engaged and one is in a serious relationship so I try to be the best mom I can to them. I'm even a dog mom also so I love being a mom to all three. If I can be a step mom one day to Junior and Kingsley I will be more than happy to. I miss being a mom to younger kids. It is a blessing.
Gail: I think they would welcome you with open arms Sarah. Casey their mom called me and told me how wonderful you were with them and how amazing you are I had to meet you myself.
Me: I had many bumps in the road with men in the past but with Blake I think I can finally say that I'm the happiest I have been in so long.
Gail: I can see that Sarah.

I looked over and Blake had this warm smile on his face and even Jeter was quiet in Taylor's arm which he never sat that long in someone's lap before.

Taylor: He's a good dog Sarah.
Me: Yep he is.
Taylor: I want one just like him.
Me: If I find one I will get him for you.
Taylor: Thank you.
Blake: We should eat.
Taylor: Yeah we should.

We all went to the dinner table with Jeter on the floor next to Blake eating his dog food and this was nice.

Gail: This food is very good.
Blake: Sarah and I both cooked so thanks mom.
Gail: You're welcome.
Tommy: This is very good.
Taylor: Agreed.
Me: Thank you.

As the night went on it just felt nice to be wanted by Blake's family and to be appreciated again by a family who I thought wouldn't like me but ended up loving me.

An hour later they left with Taylor and I was sitting on the couch with Jeter and Blake.

Blake: Honey I told you they would love you.
Me: Yeah I was worried for no reason.
Blake: You see. They saw how much I love you.
Me: Yes. Also I texted Steven. I took the job with the Nets. He wants me to start when you guys go back on the road.
Blake: I'm so excited! Cannot wait for you to start writing!
Me: Yeah im excited also. Do you think we can take Jeter with us?
Blake: Of course we can. You can write anywhere.
Me: Okay. 🥰 I love you.
Blake: I love you more. ❤️❤️

In the next chapter Sarah and Blake try and figure out what theme they wanted to do for their couples photo shoot. Stay tuned. 🥰

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