Fatherly Advice From Giancarlo😊

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I was sitting in the house alone and Cody was out and about with his dad just hanging out with him and catching up.

I wanted to ask G some questions about what I should do with Sapphire and Kyle.

He was currently sitting down on the couch next to me.

G: Sarah what's up?
Me: Sapphire seems to be going through that phase of what she does when Kyle asks her to have sex and such.
G: Did you talk to Judgey about it?
Me: I did and he wanted me to ask you also. I also went to Cody and they both wanted me to get a third opinion from you since you are her uncle.
G: I am going to give you the same advice that I gave my son and daughter before they left the house.
Me: Okay.
G: I wouldn't worry tooo much about Conner Sarah he's smart and well aware of what he's doing but I wouldn't worry about your daughter too much she's very open minded and Kyle would never pressure her to do anything she doesn't want to do. I see how much they love each other and it is nice to see that Sarah. Esme has a boyfriend now and I check in with her every single day because she lives close to her brother and his girlfriend who I always watch also. Sarah just make sure both of your kids have an open mind before going into anything. They have to learn some things on their own but other than that they are going to be okay with you knowing that they will always be your babies.
Me: Thank you G. I'm just worried about her. Conner I know he's smart and his father is on his tail with Rebecca. Though my daughter I'm just on the edge with her.
G: Sarah Jess and I are here if you ever need a second opinion on anything and trust me I know what you mean. I am on my daughter like that also because she's my little girl and I love her.
Me: Thank you for this talk.
G: Your welcome.

A couple of seconds later Sapphire walked in with Kyle and they both had smiles on their faces.

Sapphire: Mom Uncle what's going on?
Me: Oh nothing sweetie we are fine just chatting.
Sapphire: Oh okay.
Me: Kyle I have to ask you something but Sapphire I want you to go outside and talk with your Uncle for a little while okay.
Sapphire: Okay mom.

Kyle stayed in the house with me while the others went outside.

Kyle: Yes Auntie.
Me: You know how much I love and appreciate you with my daughter correct?
Kyle: Yes. I do like her very much. I didn't tell her I loved her yet though even if I feel it.
Me: Did your parents have the sex talk with you?
Kyle: Multiple times and I know what I'm doing. Trust me Aunt Sarah.
Me: Okay I just want to make sure. If their of you want to come to me about anything I'm here. I just want you guys to know that even if your uncles and your dad are busy a lot you have your mom and a lot of other people around you who are married and or have been married to help you out. I do not want my daughter to end up like me because I didn't listen to the important things that people had to say.
Kyle: I understand.
Me: You are a good boy Kyle and I know everything is going to be okay with you two.
Kyle: Actually I did want to ask you if I could buy Sapphire a promise ring. I saw this really pretty one in the store and my dad and mom said I should ask you also to see what you thought.
Me: Well I will be happy to go to the store with you and look at it but I know how much Sapphire appreciates you and how much of a man you are to her. She needs someone like you in her life Kyle.
Kyle: Yeah she gives off a lot of qualities that my mom has that is why I really liked her more than just a friend. She makes me comfortable and she supports me more than any other person I know that isn't family really.
Me: I know sweetie. Tomorrow we can go see the ring okay.
Kyle: Yes thank you.
Me: Your welcome.

Sapphire walked back into the house with her uncle and he just nodded and said she was fine.

Kyle went home and so did G.

Sapphire: Mom thank you.
Me: For what sweetie?
Sapphire: Looking out for me.
Me: Honey I'm your mom that's my job. You are my little girl and I know just by the way Kyle wants to check with me on everything that he really wants you in his life.
Sapphire: He means a lot to me mom. He makes me smile even if I don't want to. He makes me want to be a better version of myself. The other day we went for ice cream and I took one bite and he goes Sapphire no matter what you look like I will always love you. You are the most beautiful girl in the world and I won't let anything hurt you. Mom the last time I heard that was from dad. He is just like dad. He takes care of me when I need him to and he's just always there and he gives me these kisses on the forehead when I'm sad that dad always does. I swear I'm sooo lucky to have him in my life.
Me: Sweetie that's a man right there. That's a man you deserve. If you feel safe with him and you feel like you can be yourself that's the best feeling in the world.
Sapphire: I'm really happy mom.
Me: Oh I know. I can always see it with the smile on your face.
Sapphire: Yeah. 😊

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