The First Time For Everything.

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Casey and the kids showed up early in the morning just in time for breakfast and they ended up being happy for Blake and I.

Casey: I'm happy you guys are getting married.
Blake: Thanks Case.
Casey: Sarah I'm glad it is you that can be the stepmom to these kids and not someone else.
Me: Thank you Casey.
Casey: Blake what made you do before the second half started?
Blake: KD actually thought I deserved the attention and so did Sarah. I was going to wait until this weekend but then KD was like "no bro it could boost things for the team to win and it could also change your mood and Sarah's."
Casey: What was wrong Sarah?
Me: Portis Jr. started flirting with me thinking I was single and Patty saw with KD and they cursed him out and chased him away. They went to get Blake in the locker room after and he came out to check on me.
Casey: What an idiot!!! Does he not see your Instagram?!? You are sooo happy with Blake and half of these basketball idiots are not looking properly. It really makes me mad thinking a girl is single when she isn't.
Me: Yeah I was ignoring him since he started talking and Blake told me it was a good idea that I didn't retaliate.
Casey: I'm glad you are okay Sarah.
Me: Casey I'm just shocked that you didn't pull out the jealousy card.
Casey: That's because I messed up my relationship with Blake Sarah. Blake had nothing to do with it and you of all people should know when a good man comes into your life you should hold onto them.
Me: Yeah that is true that is why I'm scared at times that he's going to get up in the middle of the night and find someone else.
Casey: Trust me Sarah he's in for the long haul. Blake would never do that to someone he really cares about. I gave him a hard time with the kids because I didn't want the kids losing their father.
Me: I would never ever separate him from his kids because I see the effort he puts in just to be with them and to be honest I wish Aaron did that with our kids.
Casey: I'm so sorry Sarah.
Me: Case I'm just happy to have Blake in my life and for you to understand that I won't take him away from you or from his kids. If I see a father care that much about his kids it makes me wish I had that in my life.
Casey: Sarah I walked away and messed up what I had with him because I was pathetic at the time. You won't have to worry about Blake leaving you because women have messed with him he never messed with women. All he wanted was a woman who loved him like he loved her and I see that with you and him. It is like no one else is in the room when you two look at each other. I'm sure the players see that also.
Me: Yeah Kyrie said it the other day that we make him smile. We light up the room and we make everyone just bright again.
Casey: He's not wrong Sarah. I know exactly what he's talking about because that is how I look at my fiancé.
Me: How did you meet him?
Casey: Actually he works for the Heat.
Me: I see. Did you meet him through Blake?
Casey: Somewhat but I had more of a spark with him honestly than I did with anyone else. I still love my kids but Sarah I put you on the list to be their legal guardian when I can't be.
Me: You didn't have to do that.
Casey: I wanted to. I know how much you love them and it made me happy to be able to do that.

I brought her in for a hug and she smiled into it also.

Blake: It is nice seeing you two get along. This doesn't normally happen.
Casey: You are correct it doesn't but I trust Sarah and I know her past is similar to yours Blake and I know she won't break your heart.
Me: Trust me he's got me forever unless he gets sick of me. 😌
Blake: I can guarantee you I won't Sarah. You are stuck with me.
Me: I like that.

Junior and Kingsley came in with Jeter from the living room and they looked at their mom.

Kings: Momma.
Casey: Yes honey.
Kings: Is Sarah going to marry daddy?
Casey: She is honey. Are you ok with that?
Kings: Are you?
Casey: Yes sweetie I am. I trust Sarah with you than I do with anyone else. When you aren't with me you will be with Sarah and daddy is that ok?
Kings: Yeah I think that's okay.
Junior: Sarah do you play basketball?
Me: I know how to yes. I'm not as good as your daddy but I do. 😌 If you ever want me to play with you I can.
Junior: Thank you.

They both walked over to me and gave me a hug which it was really nice being a mom to younger kids again.

Casey: When are you going to introduce them to your own kids Sarah?
Me: I think sometime next week.
Casey: I can bring them when the kids are here.
Me: Okay sounds good.
Me: When is your wedding?
Casey: In the summer but I sent Blake the invite with a plus one for you.
Me: Thank you. I don't want it to be uncomfortable for you though.
Casey: No my fiancé knows about it and he wants you and Blake to come.
Me: Oh okay.

As the time went on I kept seeing Kings trying to hold my hand and Blake was looking at it also.

Blake: Kings?
Kings: Yes daddy.
Blake: Everything okay?
Kings: I was just looking at Sarah's nails.
Blake: Do you want her to do your nails?
Kings: Can she?
Blake: Ask her.
Kings: Sarah can you do my nails?
Me: Sure Kings. Come on. Let's go pick out a color.

Junior: Dad I like her.
Blake: Me also buddy.
Casey: I told you the kids would love her Blake. I know she's going to keep them safe when I can't.
Blake: You will always be their mom but maybe they need someone else.
Casey: I agree. It has been tough on them but I know Sarah is the perfect fit.
Blake: Indeed she is. ☺️

Casey went home with the kids a little while after and they would be back in a week to meet Sarah's kids. ❤️

Blake: Thank you for being the step mom I know they need.
Me: I'm always on mom duty but you're welcome babe. ❤️

I leaned in to kiss him and then Jeter climbed up and sat on his lap. 😀

This was going to be the start of a good future. 😁

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