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ok so well he wasnt like exactly home but he was like outside the house because well ok well so i mayhaps had locked the door behind me... because, like, safety first and stuff? And so well when your son doesnt leave the house you'd assume the door would be unlocked, right? so you wouldnt carry a key? Haha well he was WRONG!

i see my dad outside, and rush towards him
" oh my god dad im so sorry i went to go find you because the baby wouldnt stop crying and like i obviously locked the door because no one would be home and im so sorry i didnt mean to lock you out!" i apologise to him, unlocking the door in the process.
" mi hijo its okay, give me the baby and take the stuff in, at least you got some sunlight, or well considering its almost dark out, did you really?" he obviously has a hint of annoyance in his voice which, well, i felt super bad but i cant get Camilo out of my mind, like he is so cool and well obviously im not crushing on him (yet,) i mean hes very hot but like we just met what if he turns out to be a psycho (a super hot psycho) but it kindof just feels super good to have a friend i guess? i mean do you think he'd really consider me a friend, he probably has tons, but even if its one sided i am just so excited! its so exhilarating to have someone like, listen to you that isnt super old or super...super, young, i glance over at the baby as i bring the bags in and shudder.

" dad im gonna go to sleep, my head hurts from the baby crying earlier. " or was it really because i wanna sleep the day away to talk to my friend more? no, actually, it isnt. i am not a psycho obsessed gay freak. well. mayhaps the last 2 but like in a hot endearing way. even my thoughts are so funny.

i go to my room, and lay in my bed. usually i would read before i sleep, because i cant sleep without something to think about, but this time, i actually have something to think about. And, as i think about such things, i drifted off.

mimimimimi timeskip wakey wakey its time for schoo

my eyes peel open as the morning sun shines from my curtains ,which literally dont have any sun block capabilities, its kindof sad really. i groggily stretch and think 'do i stay in bed for longer or do i get up and eat.' which is really one of the hardest decisions to make.
i decide to eat because i am a hungry boy, and so i go downstairs and scavenge through the cupboards
" hey y/n, did you sleep okay? "
my dad asks me from the other room, likely reading the town paper which is, literally always, about the madrigals. Mans is obsessed fr, and how would he feel if he knew me and camilo ( my shining star 🌟) were, like, friends??? i bet hed be so excited.
" yeah i slept good! uhh just wondering do you mind if i go into town to like hang out with a friend in like an hour? " my dads face like definitely lifted at this like i can't see it but you know when the aura in the air IMMEDIATELY gets lighter? thats what it feels like.
" absolutely you can! do you wanna tell me who the friend is? " he asks this in like, a ' you can tell me but you don't have to ' thing but you can tell he's interested and would really like to know.
" thank you! and yeah, its camilo! one of the magic people " you can hear the smile in my voice as i respond, focusing on making my food while also showing interest in the conversation.
" like, a madrigal? thats so cool y/n! im glad you're making friends" this response tells me he definitely already knew about me and camilo, which is probably why he wasn't too angry when i locked him out. i finish making my food and go to head upstairs to change and potentially do my eyeliner, it just makes me look cute and its not that im trying to impress camilo but.. im tryna impress camilo.
" alright ill be down to say goodbye in like an hour, " i tell my dad.

(choose, u r also able to choose skirt fit bcs like boy in a skirt cute asf but like pretend skirts are like accepted and normal as a cute thing to wear and that there arent old judgemental people, also imagine all shirts are long sleeve <3, but u can wear whatever, for character development reasons you have to wear long sleeve tho soz bb)

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