chapter 8

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In an old abandoned warehouse, Mikey, pah-chin, peh-yan, Karma, and Draken were having a private meeting until a pissed hair boy showed us acting all bitch-like.

“Mikey-kun!!" Takemichi ran inside to see Mikey and the others. “What'd you want pissymichi?♡︎” “Well...I-" “We're in the middle of an important discussion” “You again?” “Fuck off shithead!” it would seem that the members were pissed at Takemichy for interrupting them.

“Can you stop the conflict.........with Moebius?” Takemichy asked “Huh?!” They all stared at the yellow-haired boy like demons crawling from a child's closet. “This conflict... I can't say why but... someone's pulling the strings behind all of it.” Takemichi said, as pah-chin was about to pull Takemichi's hair to throw him away, Karma placed her hands over Pah's own “chill pawpaw”

Pah looked as if he was going to say something to her but stopped when Mikey spoke up “Takemichy, I get what you're saying. We're gonna fight Moebuis.” Mikey said and Takemichi was surprised at this since this was not what he wanted at all.

“You don't understand at all. I decided that we were gonna fight. So, Toman's gonna fight Moebuis.” Mikey said. Takemichi bowed in front of Mikey. “IF WE FIGHT MOEBUIS, TOMAN'S DONE FOR!!! JUST WHEN I BECAME FRIENDS WITH KARMA-KUN, DRAKEN-KUN AND MIKEY-KUN! I DON'T WANT TOMAN TO END THIS WAY!!” Takemichy yelled.  “Tsk! You are a moron.” Pah-chin said as he was about to punch the fuck outa Takemichi. He was stopped by Draken.

“The hell you doing, Draken?” Pah-chin asked the taller. “Takemichy said he's not backing down. Maybe it's not such a bad idea to see what Moebuis is up to.” Draken said letting Pah-chin's arm go and then turned to Mikey. “Mikey,” he said  “Hm? Ken-chin?.....Are you defying Toman?” Mikey accused “Huh? It's not like that at all.” “yeah, it is”

Karma who stood beside Mikey, did not pay any attention to the serious matters in front of her. She was thinking about something way more important than the conflicts within a gang. She was wondering what she'd eat later for dinner.

“Sorry to interrupt your little group get-together, but you keep saying 'Moebius'. Would you mind not repeating our name like that? You fucking babies. ” A new voice called out.

All the boys turned to see who had such an annoying voice, karma was still busy thinking of what to eat 'ramen Maybe?'.  “You're......!” “Osanai!!” “shut it dick cheese .”

Mikey realized that Karma was not paying attention, and elbowed her causing her to jolt up “Huh!?” “Karma pay attention,” he said to her making her nod.

“You bastard.” "Hey, I'm two years older than you,”  Osanai said.
“Now who tf is this bitch Mikey?” Karma said, only for  Mikey to hear.
“Moebuis' leader” he whispered “Oh”

They watched as Pah-chin ran up to Osanai to punch him but the bitch dodged it and punch Pah instead.

“Yup. Nothing but a baby.” “Pah-chin!!"

“Tokyo Manji Gang? Change your name. More like- ”

“Would this old fuck shut up and fight already, good grief” Karma rolled her eyes at the man in red.

The Moebius members took a second to glance at the female. They had thought she looked familiar.

“Aye! Wait a moment ain't that the same girl who sent Mashi and his men to the hospital”

“what no way! ”

“ yeah! I'm telling you that's her”

ugh fuck' karma though, looking in the other direction and whistling. “Karma” Mikey and draken called at the same time.

“Hey wait I thought this bitch looked familiar, she's the one who stole my motorcycle, I found it in the river a few days ago,” the Osanai said. ( Referred in previous chapters)

“Karma! You did what! ” both Mikey and Draken said at the same time.

“Daumm! I haven't the slightest idea what they are saying”

“YOU CRAZY BITCH you scratched my beautiful baby” Osanai screeched remembering how he found his precious bike in the dirty river.

“Oh please, we all know you pulled that from the junkyard”

“God damnit woman! I swear imma kill you one day”

“You brought a lot of people just to ambush some ‘Babies’. You're just as shitty as I thought you'd be. Osanai-kun ” Mikey taunted the older boy.

“Huh?! Can't hear ya. You're too shrimpy” Osanai snickered “Woah there oldie, we don't wanna raise your blood pressure now. Calm down” Karma retorted crossing her arms.

Osanai cleared his throat not paying Karma any attention “Hey” he turned to Takemichi. “The fuck do you think you're starin' at punk?” “Huh...? I, uh.....” Osanai got closer to Takemichi and punched him. “You were looking down on me, weren't you?” and punched him again.

This action causes karma to frown. ‘This shit is getting on my nerves’ she thought. Osanai was about to punch Takemichi again when suddenly he was sent flying.

“Huh?! What just happened” said a member from the opposing gang.

“Somehow you tickled my limbic system,” said Karma, standing beside Takemichy

“Umm... Thanks” the boy replied, a bit unsure whether it was a compliment or not “No problem Tyrone”

Osanai got up with a bloody nose and said “Oi Bitch! your de-” “Yeah no.......I have no beef with you, Nasty fuck. Put it plainly, I hate your ass. The beef you have is with pah” Karma steps out of the way to allow her friend to step up. Pah was eager to fight Osanai.

Pah was getting his ass handed to him. Osanai was winning.

“Sorry Mikey,” Pah huffed. “I'm such a pussy.”

“what are you saying? Pah-chin” Mikey asked “Listen, you haven't lost.”

The Moebuis members started to shit-talk Pah and Mikey but were quick to shut up when they saw the death stare karma was sending their way.

“Oh? Do you want some, Mikey? You'll be dead in 10sec-”. Mikey lifted a leg and twisted his hips to give a powerful kick to Osanai's temple.

“Nah jit dead,” Karma said amused

“Anyone who thinks pah-chin lost ....... Step forward” Mikey said  “So I can kill you .” No one seems to move. “Toman belongs to me. Anyone behind me will never lose!.” the sano added.

“Sorry ken-chin. I couldn't help it.” he's not even gonna mention karma for he knows out of the Three of them Draken is the most responsible one.

“Nothing stops you does it, Mikey.” eggy said while sighing.

The sound of breaking glass alerted everyone as they turned to see a determined Osanai. “Shit! Look out, Mikey!” Karma shouted.

The tall blonde ran to shield his friend upon hearing Karma's shout as Osanai came at him with a broken bottle.

“Draken!” Takemichi cried.

“RAAAGH!” Osanai roared.

Draken was quick to grab Osanai's hand and force it up and he drove his knee into the man's gut knocking the wind out of him.

“Osanai, you strayed from the path of a true delinquent. You attack a guy's parents and raped his girlfriend. Things only scum would do.” Draken then turned to karma “If you will, Karma” You don't have to tell me twice.”

“Oi! Shitty extras, next time you try shit like this again I'll track down every one of you and kill you myself!! I'll probably kill your boss purposely on accident..... You are all affiliated with the Toyko Manji Gang!, So rejoice!”

Gonna stop here cuz I'm lazy. Thank you again 💝
Bye bye 🤍

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2024 ⏰

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