Cherry Blossoms-Kyle's POV

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Well, therapy was an adventure. Johnnie seemed slightly distracted the entire time, but Katy was super nice, and he was so happy afterwards! But now we get back to the music. Our band had finally gotten its shit together. Well, sorta.

"Kyle, Lizzie, Jordan. Come over here. Johnnie and I have an announcement." Bryan called. We were in the basement of our house, and had finally tuned all the instruments and gotten a recording corner set up. I wondered exactly what Bryan was going to say. "We have narrowed down the name of the band, based on your suggestions, to 5 names!" 

Still five names? Well, we had come up with 30, so, that's quite an improvement. "All righty then Bryan. What are the names?" I asked cautiously.

"Well, we have Nyctophobic, which is the fear of night, Odynophobia, which is the fear of pain, Philophobic, which is the fear of love, Truths to be Told, which I think is freaking awesome, and Xyrophobic, or the fear of razors." We had a vote on which one was the least favorite. We got rid of Truths to be Told. Bryan made a hilarious pouty face.

"Can we get rid of Philophobia?" Lizzie asked. Jordan looked at her, a bit confused. It was his suggestion, and he seemed a bit offended. "It looks like some pedophile slang." She made a face. Jordan grimaced and nodded his head. We agreed with her. Glad we did. 

"I like Nyctophobic and Xyrophobic. Odynophobia is too confusing and a weird fricking name." Johnnie complained. We voted out Odynophobia, and were left with Nyctophobic and Xyrophobia.

"Well, Kyle, we think you should choose the name." I looked at Lizzie, who had told me that. I looked at the band, and knew. "It has to be Xyrophobic. The name means too much to us to leave it." I looked pointedly at Johnnie, who nervously scratched his dissolving stitches, then over at Lizzie, who looked at me with searching eyes. I nodded my head towards her scars covered by bracelets. She glanced away, but Jordan caught her chin and smiled sweetly. She blushed then rolled her eyes slightly. Bryan chuckled at her, and she mock punched him in the shoulder. 

"All right, guys. We. Are. XYROPHOBIC!!!" I screamed. We cheered loudly together, then Jordan looked at me. I questioned him silently, and noticed his eyes kept flickering over to Lizzie. I smiled and mouthed 'go for it'. He looked at her one last time, then tapped her shoulder.

She looked at him, still smiling with euphoria, and her eyes light up even brighter when he kissed her full on the lips. Jordan pulled her in towards her, and she broke their kiss to look at him with a golden face. They grinned like children and kissed again. I cheered for Jordan, because I'd never known him to actually fall for anyone. I was really happy for him, and Lizzie. Johnnie came up behind me and hugged my arms against my chest. I looked at Lizzie and Jordan laughing, sitting next to each other, talking to Bryan. Johnnie pulled my face back towards him, and I gently kissed his lips, trying not to ruin it with my smile. He grinned first, then slid onto the couch next to me. I placed my arm around him, and we sat there a while, listening to a story of Bryan's about Warped tour, a bottle of wine, and one very pissed off Kellin Quinn. We laughed, all of us together. 

Our band, had a bond. Had many bonds, too strong for words. Our band also had a meaningful name, to all of us, and hopefully all of our future fans.

I stood up, carefully sliding the now sleeping Johnnie's arm from around my neck. I went upstairs with Jordan and Lizzie, who kissed goodbye at the door. Jordan left, but Lizzie stayed  a moment. "Hey, Kyle, can you tell me something?" She asked.

"Yeah, anything. What is it?" I said casually.

"Have you ever seen Jordan this smitten with a girl? I've watched his videos for a long time, and I know he never acts this way." She seemed a little apprehensive, and a little excited. I was reminded of me when Johnnie and I became a 'thing'.

"I actually haven't. I believe he thinks you are the one. You know, future wife." I told her. She looked at me to see if I was kidding, but saw my expression, and knew I wasn't  joking. "Thanks Kyle. I'll see you tomorrow at practice." She left, almost skipping down the sidewalk.

"Hey, I'm going to sleep. It's pretty late. Make sure Johnnie makes it to his bed." Bryan said when I walked by him to the basement. "Got it. Night." He walked away to his room. I headed downstairs, and saw the drooling Johnnie slouching on the furniture. I stifled a giggle, and went over to his limp form. I kissed him awake, on his forehead, then his lips, then his eyelids. He started a bit when I kissed his eyes. 

We walked upstairs, humming a two-part harmony for the song we had been working on, Jailbird. It as my favorite of all of our songs at the moment. It told of a person who had been trapped by anothers love, who was tethered to them forever. I had written it, and I threw in the attachment I felt to my fans, and to my princess. We crawled together into the bed in my room, with our clothes still on. We cuddled for a while, then drifted off into  a peaceful sleep.

°°°°IT'S SO FRICKING CUTE!!!!!!! Okay, so I have decided to bring in some other shippable characters (earlier music hints, catch them? No? TOO BAD.).  OMG, guys thanks to every single one of you beautiful souls, you're my pearls, you got my story up to 1.1k likes! You are all awesome! If you have a suggestion or comment or request, tell me in the comments below! And guys, if you are going to Warped tour in Denver CO, message me and we might meet up! If you're going to Warped, but not that destination, have fun! Okay, I have been talking too long, Imma gonna go now, but I love you! Bye!!! Vote if you like my fanfiction!

BTW, If you want, you can check out my Tumblr inspired fantasy romance on the 20th of April. Hope you'll like it!

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