The Kiss-Kyle's POV

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And that's when the fandom exploded.

I don't mean actually blew up, but holy crap, it figuratively did. Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram, and most of all, Youtube just were flooded with memes, pictures, fanart, comments, and more.

I don't even know what happened.

I mean, I stuttered and turned off the camera.

Okay, I see.


The fangirls need to chill.


Anyways, so we were bombarded by fans. We had never kissed on camera before. I really don't know why, it just didn't feel...right. I don't know. Johnnie and I just never felt the need to kiss. I was pretty sure that a kiss would be the only thing to shut them up. There was even a petition to get us kiss!

It was defiantly time.

"Hey, Johnnie, will you come here please?" I asked him from across the room.

"Yeah, did you think of a solution to our, um, situation." I laughed at his awkwardness and he pouted his cute little pout. "Yeah, I did." I said. "We're going to give them what they want. A kiss. Between us."

He sighed. "Okay. If it doesn't work, I will not be happy." With that he deepened his pout and I had to hold back a snigger.

"Let's do this!"


So even though we had done a live show earlier that day (it was only in a few hours that the fandom lost their shit!!!!) we had to make a video. We disguised it as truth or dare, so that it wouldn't just be us kissing.

Bryan had insisted on filming the video, against mine and Johnnie's complaining. "I wouldn't miss this for the world!" he said. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey guys! Today we are doing a truth or dare with Johnnie Guilbert!" Johnnie waved at the camera.

We filmed about 2 minutes of video before I decided it was time for us to kiss.

"Okay, this next dare comes from kohnnie_is_real on Twitter. The dare is to kiss."

I looked at Johnnie and put my hand on his cheek. I pulled him slightly closer, and he closed the distance by leaning forward. I kissed his lips, and was going to pull away, but Johnnie put his hand on my neck. He broke the kiss slightly to whisper, "Might as well give them what they wanted, huh?" I agreed. I pulled Johnnie even closer to me, tasting his lips, and the Doritos that he had been munching on earlier. He pushed his lips more tightly against mine, and opened his mouth slightly. I took the invitation and slowly let my tongue brush against his. He continued the kiss by letting our tongues dance together until I slowly pulled away, and with one last lip tug I broke the kiss. I took a deep breath. I hadn't realized that I wasn't breathing during the kiss.

Johnnie looked as though he had had the same issue.

Bryan coughed from behind the camera, looking both confused and disbelieving.

"So, that concludes our truth or dare! Peace out Kyeforce!" "Stay happy, not crappy, life's a bitch, don't quit!" Johnnie chimed in.

"Byeee!" we said.

Bryan looked at us again and said "I'm not editing that."

I laughed and took the camera into my room.


After I finished editing the video and I had posted it, I looked at social media. There were no rabid fangirls or angry tweets or crazy fanfictions (well, no more than normal).

So that was the day the fandom rebelled.


Thanks for reading guys!!!! 10,000 reads!! Omg, I never expected this. I am so sorry I haven't been updating lately. I've been busy. *Quick update on my life-I started the school year again, yay, I've been fangirling much, I started dating my crush of about a year, and we've been dating for 1 and a half months now (the kiss was not based off a kiss of mine) ps my crush is a girl and I'm really happy. Anyways, I'm pretty good. Again, thanks for reading! I will update as soon as possible. For now I'll be focusing on this and Anonymous Bloodstain, my horror/drama/mystery/thriller story. Bye!

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