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The scorching sun beat down on my sweating neck. Shovel after shovel thrown over my shoulder.

It feels wrong to leave a bunch of teenagers in the desert alone with limited resources in this weather, but hey, what do i know. After all im just a teenage girl. Stupid adults.

grunts are being heard all day from stanley. kids struggling. 

Finally my holes done. I jump out and take a break. Everyones just about finishing up.  


"gross" i mumbled as i sat down in the mess hall. 

"what do you expect princess" magnet says as the boys laugh

"zip it asshat" i retort

The boys were whispering, they do that sometimes. Its like they forget i live with them.

It got me thinking what i was going to do when i left here. What any of us were gonna do.  Was i evre going to see them after. I dont wanna leave. Sure it can be tough here sometimes but its better then home, if you could even call it that.

"whatcha thinking bout." Zig asked.

I didnt mean for it to come out this way. I didnt want it to, but thinking about my home life really ticks me off.

"none of your buisness. Can i never get any damn privacy?!" I slightly yelled and stormed out.

Zig zag looked back at the boys wide eyed as they all did the same.

"whats her issue today man" armpit complained, "shes been trashin all day"

evreyone mumbled in an assortment of agreements.

When everyone was done dr.pedanski announced that D-tent would have a trusts circle tonight. Boys groaned and walked off as dr.p wondered where sike was.


ahhhhhhhhhh i updated



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