Chapter 7

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As Yorktown returned safely to the group after escaping but we could see she is carrying someone 

It Is Hiei one of the Kongou class Battlecruiser shipgirls and she was unconscious and her rigging is badly damaged

But wait how Yorktown saved her well let's look back a few hours ago


Yorktown: Great I'm Lost

after she escaped she got lost after she escape from the destroyers and so she calls for someone in the radio hoping for any of the Eagle Union shipgirls to respond and help her until she heard something on the radio calling for help in Japanese

and so after a lot of thinking she decided to find the Sakura shipgirl because maybe she really needs help and maybe just maybe she could repay Hiryuu for helping her comrade

and as she head to the location she saw Hiei seriously injured due to the battle a few hours ago and so she helped and while she is treating her wounds Hiei spoke weakly

Hiei: W-Why a-are you h-helping me I'm your enemy

Yorktown: Because... You're injured, even you're an enemy you and the other Sakura Empire shipgirls only got involved into this war because you're being forced right?

and then Hiei became silent and lost consciousness and then Yorktown carried her to her ship and sails to look for her comrades

but as she is sailing Yorktown could hear American planes flying past her and tries to communicate to one of them in the radio and successfully head to her comrades after asking for help

Flashback Ended

As Yorktown head back to her comrade Enterprise hugged her while she is crying because she thought she is dead and then they escorted an Unconscious Hiei back to Pearl Harbor with Laffey, Atlanta, and San Francisco escorting her also for repairs and to heal Hiei's wounds

and then they continue to plan how to end the battle quickly with Yorktown requesting to capture any injured Sakura Empire Shipgirl and when Enterprise asked why she answered that incase The Eagle Union won the war at least some of the Sakura shipgirls are alive to restore there navy under Eagle Union supervision which everyone agreed on including the other shipgirls since they don't want to sink there own kind anymore

November 14-15

As the battle continues The Eagle Union Fleet continued to search for the Sakura fleet they engaged into another battle where they lost 3 more destroyers in the process and managed to capture Ayanami thanks to Washington knocking her unconscious by using her main guns until the next day South Dakota and Washington spotted the Sakura shipgirls bombarding the Henderson Airfield at midnight until they spotted South Dakota and Kirishima and the others aiming all of her guns at South Dakota not noticing Washington 

with this chance Washington fired all her main guns to Kirishima since she is not being noticed knocking all of Kirishima gun's and then knocking Kirishima and escaped with South Dakota

And as morning came the Sakura Empire shipgirls left in fear that aircraft will came to sink them making Eagle Union win the battle and ending the Guadalcanal campaign in their favor

At Pearl Harbor Infirmary

We could see Ayanami waking up and was trying to remember what happened until Laffey came drinking Oxy-Cola

Ayanami: W-wha-

Laffey: Hello Ayanami *continues to drink her Oxy-Cola*

and then Yorktown goes inside where Ayanami is and explained that they capture her along with Kirishima and Hiei as prisoner of war and tells her that they didn't sink them because Yorktown proposed an project to the Admirals which to everyone agrees

The Project was called Project Sakura Fleet Restoration

To be continued

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