Chapter 16

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As there Fight Begins Shells and explosions could be heard as New Jersey fired all of her guns at Souryuu, While Souryuu slashes them with her sword and dodges them creating huge pillar of water in the area

And this continued for 5 minute's straight until New Jersey Surprised Souryuu

New Jersey: Surprise Motherf***er

and then she fired all of her guns at Souryuu, and Souryuu barely managed to  dodge all of them as a shell hits her rigging

New Jersey: Got you

and then New Jersey knocked out Souryuu in one Punch sending Souryuu 3 meters away

New Jersey: Well, That was easy

and then she carried the Unconscious Souryuu as the Crimson Parliament had retreated as they successfully delivered the missiles to Cuba

As New Jersey captured Souryuu she brings her to Pearl Harbor where Hiryuu and Yorktown are waiting for her The US Navy repaired Souryuu's ship and the scientist managed to remove the Brainwash control from Souryuu's head making her free from the Crimson Parliament's(Soviet Navy's) control

A few Weeks later

Ugh my Head

Those were the first words that Souryuu said as she woke up

and then she remembered her death in Midway , The Crimson Parliament reviving and brainwashing her and how she almost killed Yorktown and Hiryuu

And then she looked at her surrounding she saw that she was in a Infirmary and then someone opened the door revealing Hiryuu

As Hiryuu saw Souryuu is awake now she hugged her tightly and Souryuu hugs her tightly to and was crying a bit 

Souryuu: I-I'm sorry for-

Hiryuu: It's alright Souryuu It wasn't your fault okay?

Souryuu: Okay then

and then Yorktown came and saw the two hugging each other and she smiled

As days passed, Souryuu was signed to the US Navy because she want to get revenge from the Crimson Parliament from controlling her

But before Souryuu could get her Vengeance, Her ship needs to be fixed due to New Jersey's Shells damaging her ship that bad to which New Jersey apologizes for that and Souryuu forgave her, and during that time Hiryuu revealed her relationship with Yorktown and Souryuu isn't angry, instead she was proud of her since the 2 are the reason why some of the Sakura(Japanese Navy) shipgirls are still alive

During that time The Cuban Missile Crisis happened and it almost started a nuclear war but both US and Soviet prevented it by The US removing there Missiles in turkey and The Soviets removing there's in Cuba and both nations promised not to use Nuclear Missiles ever again in there Cold War

And after a month of repairs Souryuu's ship is now fixed and there are a few changes:

-Her ship is equipped with Essex class Armaments 

-Her ship has a angled flight deck

-And it is a Anti Submarine Warfare Carrier now

 as she has these chance she could now protect herself from submarines and could launch more planes then before

And so she was sent with Hiryuu and Yorktown into scouting missions 

Until in 1967 Souryuu finally got her chance to get her vengeance, She along with Hiryuu, Yorktown, and 15 more shipgirls were sent to Vietnam to participate in the Vietnam War

To be continued

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