Chapter 15

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In Berlin, Germany Tensions are rising forcing the Soviets to build a wall blocking the West and East entrance to each other

But because of this many on the Eastern side feel starvation and when the NATO saw this they sent Planes to deliver Food Supplies for the Eastern Germany people and the US Aircraft Carrier shipgirls participated this to help the people there so they could survive

And as the Soviets saw this they allowed the Allies to transport supplies in land

As the year 1962 came The Soviet's are secretly sending nuclear missiles in Cuba and Because of this Yorktown, Hiryuu and New Jersey were sent there to intercept them along with Coral Sea and 10 more shipgirls there

It was a success until The Crimson Parliament decides to ambush the US Navy there so they could transport all of there missiles there

And so there plan begin at night

10:00 PM

In Cuban Waters

We could see Hiryuu, Yorktown and New Jersey guarding the waters with some of the other shipgirls guarding the opposite direction 

Until the hear shells firing at there Position causing New Jersey to split with Yorktown and Hiryuu

And then Soviet Jets and Zero's started to attack Hiryuu and Yorktown meaning one thing, Souryuu is here with them

And so they lighted up there AA guns and then searched for Souryuu and as they were ambushed by Souryuu as she planned to lure them both here and saw Hiryuu prepares a fighting stance holding her spear and Yorktown Drawing her Sabre(It was given to her incase she is forced to fight close combat)

and so they fight with both of them sending there planes in the air 

While this is happening the Crimson Parliament Cargo ships carrying Nuclear Missiles passed through there defense as all of the Shipgirls guarding there were distracted by the Crimson Parliament and all of them delivered it to Cuba successfully 

And then we could see Hiryuu and Yorktown very tired as they tried to hit Souryuu, but her defenses are strong and both of them ran out of plane, same as Souryuu's 

And then Souryuu charges at Yorktown 

Hiryuu: Yorktown look out!

Yorktown: !

But as Souryuu was about  to hit Yorktown, Souryuu Jumps a few meters away as shells were about to hit Souryuu and then Yorktown looked at the direction were the shells came from, She saw New Jersey

New Jersey: Both of you done well, Retreat I'll handle her

Hiryuu: But-

New Jersey: Don't worry Ms. Hiryuu I won't kill her, I'm just going to knock some few screws in her head

Hiryuu: Okay then

and then the two retreated leaving  New Jersey and Souryuu alone at the Battlefield

Souryuu: * Points her sword infront of New Jersey* Out of my way

New Jersey: Can't do sweetie~ I have to stop you from here

Souryuu: I see, so be it!

And then Souryuu charged at New Jersey and when Souryuu is inside New Jersey's range, New Jersey fired all of her guns and spoke

New Jersey: Very Well then, EAT THIS!

and then the shells hit Souryuu but, Souryuu manages to dodge them

and so there fight begins

To be continued

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