Milim x Reader

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GoodNamesAreTakenSAD requested a Dominant Milim x Reader so here it is! I am not sure how to write this one  but its my first request so imma do it for sure!

Y/n Pov (also I am doing this entire oneshot in your POV, excuse me for that)

I sat in my office, there is one word to describe what I am feeling now... Bored. I dont have much to do, as they say- demon lords seem to have a lot of free time.

I am not sure about my fellow demon lords but if you were to ask me, I would say I had too much time.

"Hmm if my poor memory remembers right, Ramiris said her friend was the new demon lord. He is a slime? Meh I dont really care" I said to myself.

"Huh? but Rimuru is my bestie tho" a childlish voice said as I sat up surprised.

"Milim?" I said. Oh sh*t that's right, Milim said she was coming over. I totally forgot.

"Heyo, sorry I am a bit late" Milim said as she put up a peace sign with her fingers smiling.

I felt my face get hot, cutee. Oh yea, she did mention planning on bringing Clayman down as she got suspicious and wanted to figure out who was pulling the strings hidden in the background.

"Not a problem" I said as I put my head on the table.

"Hm? You seem tired? Is everything alright?" She asked as she walked to where I was.

"Oh its nothing, I am just bored out of my guts" I replied as I looked up at her.

[A/N : When I am checking this, it doesn't seem to make sense, but oh well]

"Bored eh? You sure nothing wrong is going on?" she asked her tone turning a bit suspicious.

My eyes widened. Does she know? How?

"Y-yeah why do you ask?" I replied, cursing myself for stuttering.

"You know, I dont like when my friends lie to me y/n" She said as her face darkened.

"Wh-at do you mea-" 

"Frey told me" She interrupted.

Frey? But how did Frey know tho? Was I that obvious?

"I know you like me" She continued.

"Of course I like you, you are my friend" I said, trying to get her away from the truth.

"No! I know you like me... More than a friend"

Ok now, how do I reply?... She literally found out that I have a crush on her.

"Um I dont know what you are talking about" I said as I stood up, trying to get outside immediately.

I felt a hand grip mine, it was Milim.

"Dont lie to me y/n" she said darkly as her hair covered her face.

"Ok fine, I do" I replied quickly as I snatched my hand to myself and quickly walked out.

Ahhh I am done for. How embarrassing.

I walked over to the garden, enjoying the cool breeze of the dusk.

"Oh hey y/n" I heard a voice behind me. It was Devon.

[ A/N : I know that there isn't a Devon is Tensura, but for the sake of my ded brain and this oneshot, we are gonna pretend he is another demon lord.]

"Oh hey Devon. What are you up to?" I asked slightly waving my hand as a courtesy.

"Oh nothing, just taking a stroll around." He said as he stood next to me.

Few minutes later, he moved in front of me and held my hands as he took a deep breath and stared into my soul.

"y/n I don't know how to say this but, whenever I am with you I feel happy, when I hear you laugh it makes my heart flutter and it fills my stomach with butterflies." He started.

This dude really confessing to me? 

"I think- I think I might be in love with yo-"

Yup, you thought right, he was interrupted by the one and only Milim Nava.

Suddenly I was dragged out.

"Milim? Is everything alright?" I asked struggling to regain my balance as she was practically dragging back to my office.

As soon as we entered my office, I was pinned against the door, Milim's hands on either sides of my head.

"You ran out before I could reply, I love you more" She confessed but she was looking extremely pissed.

"And since you were my bestie before you became my significant other, you know very well that I don't like my precious belongings in the hands of the others" she continued as she inched closer to my face.

"Now that you are mine, I am not letting anyone have you" She finished.

"Damn" I thought. 

True, I have imagined being Milim's significant other many times, but I never would I have thought she might be the dominant-possessive one.

"and since you casually stood there as he confessed, I am not letting you off the hook now y/n. You better get prepared for what's about to happen~".

A/N : Thank you for reading this crappy oneshot. It ended up more like a jealous Milim instead of dominant.. I am sorry!! I didn't really know how to write this one but I hope you liked it!

Words : 874

><><><>Author Out><>><><>

Tensura (That time I got reincarnated as a slime) x Reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now