2.Sweet Dreams

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The snow glows white on the mountain tonight

Not a footprint to be seen

"I'm alone..."

"I'm alone" was the first thought that came into his mind. It was snowing in the middle of the woods and the five year old boy didn't even have a jacket. Not a single living creature was in sight. 'No one is here. What am I doing here?' the boy asked himself.

A kingdom of isolation

All that was visible in his eyes was snow. They were pure white, lifeless, cold, ice crystals which dropped on the ground and occupied the space as if they are marking their possession.

 "I'm cold" was his second thought. His bare hands had become pale from freezing. His pretty little face was blushing bright pink from coldness.

 His ethereal brown eyes showed fear as if he was scared, as if he wasn't safe. Because he wasn't . He needed to feel safe and warm but he had no one to make him warm. Why did he have no one? "Because I'm alone"

The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside

He always loved snow. Snow was something he admired a lot. He always waited for the first snowfall in winter. Seeing snow made him smile and happiness bubbled inside of him. 

People had asked 'Why do you like it so much?' well, he didn't know the answer to that. After all, he was just another five year old who was finding happiness in little things.

He got this immense urge to touch the snow, to feel it, because he felt the snow was calling to him, the snow wanted to be touched. 

So he did. 

And he started making irregular shapes out of it, even though the snow crumbled off seconds later. He took a large amount of snow and threw it above his head like confetti and a wide smile stretched along his face. 

His cold hands were freezing when he touched the ice crystals but it didn't matter to him because he was enjoying the moment, he was happy. That's all that matters, he was happy.

"Even if I'm 'alone', even if I'm 'cold', even if I have no one, I can be happy"

Dream ends

Jungkook woke up to the sound of his alarm ringing. He smiled from the dream he just saw already forgetting what it was about. Some dreams make us cry while some make us smile in our sleep. This case was the latter one. It's funny how we forget about the dreams instantly after waking up but somehow remember how it made us feel, as if what we saw doesn't matter, what we felt does.

He got up from his bed, did his morning routine and changed into a loose white shirt with tight black jeans.

He went in the kitchen and opened the fridge taking a blood bag and gulped it down, the familiar taste of strawberries hitting his throat.

Ugh! I miss real blood, like in real, fresh, warm blood from an actual living being. It's been decades since I've tasted it. Substitute blood tastes so fake, as if I'm consuming fakeness.


His phone started ringing

He picked the phone and saw the name on dial.

Min Yoongi :)

"Sup grandpa... How are things going?"

"Bro, Istg if you call me that one more time, I'm gonna kick your ass so hard that you will be flying off to space.."

Jungkook chuckled, he loved annoying Yoongi...

"So, what's the news?"

"That's what I am trying to figure out. Jin called few minutes ago, said that he's got some big news. He sounded hella excited and asked us to meet in the café."

"Right now?"

"Right now."

'Okay, I'm on my way, also, did you hear anything from Hobi hyung."

"No, he didn't contact me recently. Why? Did something happen?"

"He called me yesterday and said I need to fangle someone."

"Bro, for real now?"


"Who's the guy?"

"Don't know yet, that's why I was asking about hyung."

"Oh. Anyways, I'll meet you at the café then. Bye."

"Yeah, Bye"

Time skip...

I reached the café and went inside, Yoongi hyung was already there with Jin hyung.

I sat beside them and looked at Jin hyung, he was wearing a red baggy sweatshirt with denim jeans, there was a soft blush on his cheekbones and he was lightly biting his lips unconsciously, while looking at the table. Not gonna lie, he looked really pretty.

Soooo...... What's the big news? I asked him.

He stopped staring into the table and looked up at me, straight into my eyes, and said...

"I got a boyfriend."

Hey readers....

*casually walks in as if I didn't leave this book for four months*

How's the first chapter? 

Boring, duh... -_-..tbh, idek what I'm writing cause I'm legit high rn..

Anyways... feel free to vote and comment if ya like it... 

Ily byeee<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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