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Harry's pov:

I entered my apartment with the hopes that I will finally get a goodnight sleep so I changed quickly and plopped in the bed and soon fell asleep.

As I closed my eyes I was so ready to see Allison in front of them, probably one more nightmare.

She haunts me.

And I saw her.


It was a summer evening when I and her were sitting on a mat, food surrounding us. I was reading one of her favorite books. In which no one dies cause I don't want her to cry.

I hate to see her cry. Her head rested on my lap and she was simply lying on the mat looking at me all the time.

I had her full attention at that moment. I could feel that she wasn't even listening to what I was reading. She was looking at me.

Without even blinking.

I wanted to ask her why she was looking at me like this but I was enjoying her attention. It wasn't creepy.

Not at all. I could see all the love she had for me in her eyes.

My heart was racing.

After reading it for a while. She took the book from my hand and placed it on the mat and sat straight in front of me. looking straight in my eyes.

Her blue ones looked just like the ocean.

The most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.

Her hairs were open and were moving in the direction of the wind. I tugged a strand of her behind her ear so I could see her face clearly.

I smiled.

"Do you trust me?" she asked. I was confused but I still nodded "yeah babe" I said "Do you love me?" she asked again "yeah babe" I said again. I could see that she was serious wanting to hear more than just "yeah babe" so I continued "you mean everything to me honey before I met you I was lifeless to be frank" I smiled again remembering the day I met her "when I first saw you I couldn't stop myself from looking at you. Your eyes, your smile, your fragrance...." I continued "I was head over heels for you Allison. From the day you said yes to going on a date with me I thought how did I get so lucky." she was smiling now "I have never felt this way for anyone the way I feel for you Allison I can see all the fun we can do together. All the places we can go to I can fight anything with you by my side babe. I love so fucking much I am crazy for you" I finished. My eyes never left her teary ones. After a solid minute of pure silence which was freaking me out she hugged me.

Hugged me tight.

All of a sudden I felt her shaking. I pulled her even close to me and she cried on my shoulder. After she pulled away she cupped my face looking straight in my eyes and leaned forward to connect our lips.

It was the most affectionate kiss we have ever shared, the one filled with nothing but love.she

Once we pulled away she stood up and turned around walking towards the opposite direction of mine. I thought she would turn but instead she just kept walking.

Didn't turn to look at me.

Just kept walking.

"Allison" i said "come back babe" I was getting frustrated and worried at the same time "Allison do you hear me please come back where are...."


I woke up all sweaty and panting. I had tears in my eyes. My heart was racing "just a dream" I would say to myself but not anymore.

I opened the drawer and took the letter out.

I have to do this.

Dear Harry,

I know you hate me by now.

It's fair.

All I can do is say I am sorry. Any sort of explanation isn't worth what I did to you. I never wanted it to happen but I had no other choice Harold. I was ashamed of myself. I didn't have the courage to tell you what happened and so I am writing this letter.

You remember Dustin. The person I was dating before you. Just a week ago I came to know that I was pregnant. Not with your baby. I wish it was yours but it isn't.

I am so sorry I know how badly I have turned you down. The way I have broken your heart into a million little pieces. But I didn't have any other choice. I knew I could not even look in your eyes after this. The eyes are full of love for me. I am really sorry for doing this to you Harry.

But these past months have been the best months of my life. Spending every day with you was worth it and healed all my scars. You made me see life in a totally different way Harry. I have learned so much from you Harry and I am thankful for that. You will always be my favorite. I will always remember the nights we spend watching movies and all of your jokes. All the times you made me feel valuable and wanted. All of it it's imprinted on my brain.

Believe me Harry it is double hard for me to leave this way. I can already see you on your knees worried but baby I have to do this cause you deserve better. Anyone will be happy to have you.

I love you and nothing can change that but I have to make a decision and....

I choose my baby.

I am sorry. I won't ask you to forgive me but please don't hate me. if it's not too much to ask.

Please don't be stuck in the past honey.

Go for her Harry.



My vision was blurry but I was searching for my car keys and when I finally found them I rushed out of the door. Sat in the car and though my hands were shaking I was driving. I need to get there as soon as possible. It was almost four in the morning but I didn't care.

I want to see her.

I need her.

I am not scared anymore.

All I had in my brain was (Y/N).

I am standing right in front of her apartment door. The same door I've only entered when I wanted her and other than that.


She never denied though.

Even if she had moved on but just for this last time I have to be selfish and tell her everything.

She has to know.

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