chapter 1- ashes

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In this alternate universe, the X-Men timeline with young Erik and Charles takes place in the 2000s, or a similar timeline with the Avengers, where Peter and Wanda are twins without Pietro and they are Erik's Children. Regardless of the fact that Wanda was not a member of the Avengers, everything that the Avengers faced occurred.

After becoming an official married couple and realizing that Wanda and Peter were Erik's children, Erik and Charles opted to live separately from the school, allowing them to finally become a family and live together. That was ten years ago, Wanda and Peter are now 25 years old while Erik and Charles are somewhat around in their late 50s.

Currently, in the year 2018, The family is having a regular dinner, with Erik assisting Charles with his wheelchair so that he could sit close to their daughter Wanda, while Erik sat next to his son Peter.

''Now I made this dinner so you guys better like it. OR-... I'll run as fast as the hurricane to make everyone dizzy'' Peter joked in a serious tone.

''Yeah sure, and if we die eating this it's all your fault'' Wanda replied back while having a knife in her hand in a joking gesture to scare Peter.

''Woah there's no need to get violent here Children, and Peter thank you for this meal we really appreciate it'' Charles laughed and added

''Except for me'' Wanda laughed while she raised her hand

''Wanda please'' Erik laughed quietly while he added ''Ok let's just eat our dinner while it doesn't get cold''

''I'm just kidding Pete, thank you for dinner'' Wanda smiled as she held her drink up to Peter

''Yeah no problem'' Peter raised his glass as well as Charles and Erik did the same

They all made strange faces as they took the first mouthful bite in response to the unusual tasting of the dinner, but Peter smiled since he was proud of his cuisine.

''See! What did I tell you guys, I can cook after all'' Peter laughed as he took another bite out of his meal.

''Yes...It was very good Peter'' Erik smiled as he didn't want to make his son sad, On the other side, Charles analyzes Erik and Wanda's minds and realizes that they, too, thought the flavors of the cuisines were strange, but they all smiled regardless since they didn't want to disappoint anybody in the family, and they intended to bring it up about the strange taste of the food later.

About 10 minutes later they all finished their meals as Wanda took all of the plates with her telekinesis to the sink as it washes by itself and Erik took the Forks, Spoons, and Knives to the sink as well since he can control metal.

The family then moved to the living room to watch some TV while Charles sat on the couch with his book, with the help of Wanda, while she grabbed a book as well. Peter grabbed his phone to play a bit of video game while Erik however wanted to watch the TV only. Charles sat beside Erik while Wanda sat on the other couch beside Erik and Peter sat on the rug laying his head on Wanda's couch.

Then while everything was going fine a shake happened in the house.

''Is an earthquake happening?'' Erik asked Charles as he also asked the twins

''I- I have no idea what's happening and It's not an earthquake'' Charles looked at his husband with an unsure face.

Anything could happen so Wanda made a half-circle hex to protect Peter, Erik, and Charles if anything fell on them since their surroundings were acting strange. Then suddenly Charles screamed as he heard in his mind what's happening in the School.

''Charles darling are you okay?'' Erik asked while he took both of his hands to Charle's shoulder to soothe him down

''Everyone is screaming in the mansion but I-'' Charles cried softly as he was confused about what's happening, then when he was continuing his sentence Wanda stopped her powers as she looked at her family with a painful face.

''Wanda, hey are you okay?'' Peter went to Wanda as he asked with a confused face

''Pete I- I don't feel so good my- hands they'' Wanda stopped as her hand was slowly becoming ashes.

Charles looked at Wanda while tears came streaming down his face because for the first time in his life he was too stunned and was sensing weird pains in him as well. Erik ran to Wanda as she could not form actual words or sentences that well. Then in the second half of her body was also becoming a dust-like figure floating away...

''Wanda hey- please don't I-'' Erik added as he held Wanda's face

''It's f- fine, I love you guys'' Wanda's last words appeared as she was gone and turned into dust.

''Wanda!'' Peter screamed as he kneeled to see her dust ''This isn't happening, I can't lose her, What's happening, I-'' Peter's thoughts came racing through as Erik was circling around Wanda's dust while tears came streaming down his face as well.

That isn't the end.

As Charles is also feeling a bit dizzy, he felt as if the world stopped ''PETER! ERIK!'' Charles shouted as his legs were disappearing. But as Peter and Erik ran to Charles it was too late, he disappeared to dust as well.

''No no no no Charles please'' Erik cried as he kneeled to Charles' dust

''What's happening?'' Peter asked his dad while the tears were no longer there and all he had was emptiness.

''I don't know'' Erik added while all of the guns that he had hidden in the house appeared beside them (they were for emergency if anything like this tragedy happened he would be ready, but this? This is something they would never expect to happen)

''But we're gonna find out what's going on,'' Erik said with all the guns clicking to get ready and his face becoming serious and rage-filled inside.

haiii i hope yall enjoy the first chapter and this is just for fun so yeaa. Votes and comments are soo appreciated!!

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