Ch26- TREXI stream

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Lexi P.O.V

The stream would start in 5 minutes. And i was freaking out.

I was usually calm in these situations, but nope, not today!

"Lexi! It will be fine." Trott reassured me as he held me close. I sigh. "I'm just so scared." I tell him.

He kisses my forehead. "Come on. We're starting soon." I nod and we take our seats.

It was only last year that the TREXI stream was introduced to the live streams. Lewis thought it would be funny if we told all the Yognau(gh)ts about our secret kisses that were no longer secret.

And bloody hell the chat was insane.

God knows what it's gonna be like with a diamond ring and a small bump.

"Live in 2 minutes." Someone yelled. Probably SAM.

I sigh shakily. My was I so scared?

"And 3....2...1.."

"Hello and good day!" Trott welcomed. My fear instantly vanished as I burst out laughing.

"Hi Lens Buddies! Long time no see." I say with a smile. Trott chuckles. "Now before we read out donations or play any games. Me and Lexi have two pieces of news that we think you guys would like to hear. Lexi?" He handed over to me.

I gulp. "Well. Um. Duck. No fuck, not duck. Um. Well. Halp." I squeak. Trott laughed. "Just hold up your left hand." He said. I done as told and made the ring visible. "Me and Lexi are engaged." Trott announced.


There goes the chat.

I didn't even know if there was hate. Because I was drowning in the comments.

"That's not even the best news." Trott continued. I smile but on the inside I'm having a panic attack.

"Lexi? Stand up for me please." He instructed. I stood up. My tiny bump not yet visible. He stood looking thoughtful at my belly. "Hmm. Nope. I don't think know they can see it." He said.

I roll my eyes. "Trott just tell them." I say sticking my tongue out. He chuckles. "Okay then. I'll just put it out there." He said.

I blink. "Oh god Trott n-!"


I facepalm. Why... whyyyyyy!?

"Oh my god Trott. Why you put it like that?" I ask. He just smiles proudly as the chat explodes once again. Most of them saying


But that's the only one I could read because they were looking washed away by other comments.

I did see a few 'NAME IT AFTER ME!!"'s but that's was all.

"I don't think their hating." Trott told me. I roll my eyes as he walks over and kisses me. "I actually think their pretty excited." He said pulling away.

"Just shut up." I say before I kiss him. He laughs. "Now come on. We have donations to read!" I cheer.

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