Chapter 4: Week 3 Day 1

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Chris isn't proud of his speed walk across campus. One of his students had stayed after class to ask questions about the homework. Normally, he doesn't care, encourages it even. Today, however, he's taking Joel on a date. He's late.

The Bank building is in sight. Chris slows to a more acceptable pace for a working professional with a 401k and a garage. Chris had suggested getting dinner with Joel off hand, when they were texting this past weekend. Joel had picked the time and day. It only gave Chris 37 hours to over think what he should wear.

Chris can see Joel now, leaning against the large marble staircase up to the building. He's smiling and talking to someone. Chris almost stops, not wanting to interrupt Joel's conversation with another student, but then Chris realizes who it is. He frowns. He should have known better.

"Good afternoon, Esme," Chris sidles up next to Joel, hands in his jean's pockets. Esmeralda's hair is piled on top of her head in a messy bun. Chris isn't a stickler for the dress code, but he almost makes a comment. He doesn't like her. He's accepted that about himself. He tolerates her for Richard, but he doesn't want her getting her claws into Joel.

"Chris, good to see you," Esmeralda grins, "Your life partner was telling me you had plans tonight."

Chris wants to be anywhere but here. Instead, he drops his face in his hands and grumbles, "We're not life partners, Esme."

"Why not?" she questions him, but in the way she and Richard question their students. In the way where they already know what you'll say and have three retorts waiting to make you fight for your answer. "You both trusted your romantic life decisions to a piece of technology that says you will be."

"Give us a few years to work up to that," Chris turns to Joel, "You ready?"

Chris hadn't really looked at Joel yet. In his pursuit to get Joel away from Esmeralda, he didn't notice that Joel dressed up. Joel is wearing a short sleeve grey button-up, clean lines displaying his shoulders and black jeans lengthening his legs. Chris raises his eyebrows.

"Yeah," Joel nods. Even his hair is combed. Christopher's fingers spasm once, wanting to rough it up. Chris is overjoyed. Heat stirs in his cheeks, pride over seeing his One dressed up to impress him.

"Ooookay, let's go," Chris steps away. "Bye, Esme."

"See you soon, Chris. Have fun," she waves. Chris thanks God when she walks towards her office building, the opposite direction from where they're headed. Chris turns back to Joel and gestures towards his parking lot.

"How was your day after my class?" Chris asks.

"You don't like Esme much, do you?" Joel is grinning.

Chris could lie, but he chooses not to, "I'm sorry. I know you like her."

"You'd know better than I would," Joel shrugs. "I wish you had told me sooner. I could have dropped her class or something." Joel looks like he's enjoying this, too much in Christopher's opinion.

"She's a great teacher," Chris lowers his voice. They are on a public sidewalk. "We don't get along well. Our personalities clash."

"Really?" Joel furrows his brow, but he still has a pleasant countenance. "She said you guys were close."

Chris pauses on the sidewalk, closes his eyes, "Of course she did."

"What's the story then?" Joel walks backward in font of Chris and almost walks backward into a huddle of girls on the path in front of them.

"It's a long one," Chris pulls Joel back in line with him, afraid he's going to trip over his feet. The pathways are crowded with people. A lot of them look their way, guessing what's surely obvious. Chris feels the pressure of the stares and tugs Joel closer to him. He tucks his hand in his pocket again, afraid to accidentally link their fingers.

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