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Chris notices him immediately, sitting on his front step. He's reclined back against the railing, long legs stretched out with a thin sweatshirt in the cold.

Chris shuts off the car but keeps the key in the ignition. He stares at Joel, relaxed and gorgeous. Joel doesn't look any worse for wear after the last few weeks. Chris has been walking around like a shell of a man and Joel is a teenager, dealing with a break-up like it's nothing. It's not fair someone should have this much hold over him. Maybe Joel is right, maybe Timers take away the parts of love that matter, the faith in yourself that you know what's best for you. If Chris didn't have a Timer, there's no way he would have let a student have this much power over him. The type of power that keeps Chris in his car for too long and eventually pulls him out of it and drags him toward Joel.

"Can I help you?" Christopher's voice is tight, only a few feet from Joel.

Joel takes a moment, looks at the ground before a small grin spreads, "Homework assignment for tomorrow is pretty tricky."

"You know my office hours."

"Didn't want to bother you at work."

"Really? Turning over a new leaf?" Chris has a nasty smirk on his face and the words are harsh as much as teasing.

Joel breathes in quick through his nose and stands, "Can I come in?"

Chris shivers, "Yeah, why not." He tries to dampen the curl of hope in his chest.

They walk through the entry way and turn into the kitchen. Chris setting his keys on their hook and his shoes on the rack. Joel follows him into the kitchen and takes a seat at his counter, backpack on the chair next to him.

"Well?" Chris coughs, "Are we really going to talk statistics or is there something else you came here to say?"

Joel's hands are stacked in front of him. It's so clear to see where he's going to grow into himself, his shoulders will bulk up so he's as wide as he is tall. His jaw will sharpen, maybe adorned with a trim beard. Standing across from him, Chris feels like a child. He might as well be wearing his trashy band T's and ripped jeans, cowering in Joel's eye line.

"Yeah, there is," Joel sits back, so much strength in the breadth of his frame, "There are a lot of things. I don't know where to start."

"I like it when people lead with bad news."

Joel smirks at that, "Good to know. Alright then," he rubs his palms together, "I'm not here to take back what I said in your office. I do still think we should wait."

Chris swallows, "Can't wait to hear the good news then."

Joel's jaw clenches, "Do you still want to be with me?"

Chris leans over his counter, setting his chin in his hands, "Joel. You're my soulmate."

"I know, I know. But I don't want to assume things anymore," Joel betrays his age again, the mature one, "I want you to want to be with me, not your One. Does that make sense?"

Does it? Does Chris want to be with Joel, not his soulmate? Does Chris see Joel in his life? Want him as opposed to who he thought his soulmate would be?

Chris nods.

"Okay," Joel unzips his backpack. He pulls out a book, sets it on the counter and slides it over to Chris.

Chris recognizes the cover and can see Richard handing it to Joel in his head, "Please tell me he didn't."

"He did. I didn't read it, though," Joel says, words careful, "I read a few of the other chapters, but couldn't read the one about you," Joel shrugs, "Kind of a romantic gesture, right?"

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