Chapter 3

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While you and Ethan are walking to first period you see a girl stuck at her locker. You wonder if you should go help her or ignore her. You choose to help her. "Hi. Do you need some help?" You ask nicely. "Hi. Yeah I'm kinda stuck." The girl says laughing. "I can see that. I'm y/n." "Haha. I'm Aria." "Whats the problem?" You ask with a smile. " I think I have to much stuff in my locker and then it got jammed." "That's happened to me so many times it's not even funny. I would always hit it a couple times and then put in my locker combo and then BAM! It would open." Aria tried hitting it a couple times and put in her locker combo. "Oooh!!! It worked y/n! Thanks so much." Aria said excitedly. "No problem!" "Maybe I should try straightening out my locker." Aria said laughing. "Yeah maybe. See ya around." You said smiling and walking away to class. You sat in the only seat that was empty. Of course it was the one between Ethan and Jack. "What was that all about?" Ethan asked. "Oh nothing I was just trying to help someone and be nice." "Aww how sweet of you." Ethan said sarcastically. "Shut up." You playfully punched him in the arm. You looked over at Jack for a second. He seemed to be looking at you before you even looked at him. "Hey princess." He said with a smile on his face. "Hello Prince Charming." You smile back at him. You stare at each other for a while and then start laughing.

Jack's POV:
I don't know if that was a joke or not but I liked it. Y/n has the most beautiful eyes and she's just beautiful herself. I know I've only known her for a few hours but I feel like it was love at first sight. Well for me... Maybe not for y/n.

You and Ethan walk to your next class right when you see Grayson walking down the hallway. You and Ethan walk over to him. "Hey Grayson!" You say excitedly. "Hey y/n!" You and Ethan keep walking in the opposite direction to get to your next class. "I'm just gonna warn you right now y/n... This teacher is very... interesting you could say." "Well I'm looking forward to this class now." You and Ethan laugh. When you two walk into class together people start looking at you. One girl gives you a dirty look but you brush it off. You whisper to Ethan, "Who's that girl sitting next to Jack?" "That's umh... Brianna. She's kinda like obsessed with me and my brother." "Oh that must be why she gave me a dirty look..."

Brianna's POV:
Ugh I can't believe Ethan is hanging out with THAT girl. She thinks she's all that because she's hanging out with him. News flash honey: he's mine! Well he will be... Once I get him to notice me... It will happen one day!!! He will be mine!!!

Ethan's POV:
What is Brianna's problem. She's such a creep. Why can't she just leave me and y/n alone.

4 periods later...
"FINALLY! It's lunch time." You say relieved that you get a break from classes. Before you go to lunch you stop at Ethan's locker. He isn't there. You think maybe he has gone to look for you. You walk back in the direction do your locker and bump right into him. "Oh my gosh y/n! I'm sorry! I was looking for you." "I was doing the same. We are like reading each other's minds today or something." You say laughing. "Haha lets go down to lunch." He wraps his arm around you and you two walk downstairs. When you two get downstairs to the cafeteria you see a ton of people wave to Ethan. He waves back at them. "Are those your friends?" You ask. "Yeah. We are gonna sit with them today." He says smiling. "Woah who said I wanted to sit with you mr." You said smiling back. "Oh did you want to sit with your friends here?" "No I just wanted your response. And I don't have friends here. Yet." You say giggling. After you get your lunch you walk over to the table with Ethan. They all ask Ethan who you are. He introduces you to them and they all get up to greet you. "Y/n this is Matthew, Nash, Hayes, Shawn, Carter, and you know Grayson and Jack obviously." You smile and say hi. You sit in the seat between Jack and Ethan. You guys all get to know each other. You laugh and make conversation with the boys. You seem to like Matt the most. He's fun and silly. He's really cute too you think. Shawn is super cute too. He's so awkward and adorable.

Matt's POV:
Man y/n is so cool. I like her. She's my type of person. She's pretty too. If her and Ethan ever date I'd be happy for him but a little jealous. I hate to admit it but it's true. She's funny and chill. She can be goofy but she tries to keep it to herself most of the time.

Shawn's POV:
Y/n is so cute. I kinda like her. She's funny, she's kinda silly, and she's smart. What's not to love? I'm to shy to ask her out. I really want to.

You seem to get along with all of the boys and don't really have a problem with any of them. Nash is cool too. He's outgoing, silly, funny, and is a big flirt. You like him too.

Your POV:
These boys are cool. All of them are cute which is good but I can't get over Ethan. He's like my one and only. I'll never have feelings for anybody like I do for Ethan.

When lunch is over you, Ethan, and his friends go back upstairs. Ethan walks you to your locker and luckily nobody is upstairs besides his friends. You open your locker and he makes sure nobody is looking. He gives you a small kiss on the cheek and walks away to his locker. He looks back and smiles. And you smile back blushing. You can't believe that happened... AGAIN!

Your POV:
I don't know what's going on! Does he want to date me or is he just trying to flirt with me so that I like him back... Ugh it's all so confuzzling!!! I really like him and he seems to like me too! But i don't know what to do! I'll have to think about this tonight I guess.

When school is over you text your mom and tell her not to come. You tell her that you can walk home with Ethan. She texts back and says "ok have fun honey😊." You meet Ethan at his locker after school and then walk home together. You talk the whole time and hold hands. You don't really seem to mind anymore and don't blush as much around him. You feel comfortable around him. You feel like you can tell him anything like he is your best friend. Even though you've only known him for a day and a half you and him feel that special connection. He asks if you want to go to his house to do homework. You text your mom to see if it's ok and she says yes. You go to his house and you two do homework together. You end up doing homework until 10:30 and you get tired. You almost fall asleep when Ethan wakes you up. "Hey y/n do you want me to bring you back home?" You shake your head and say no. You're too tired to walk back home so you snuggle up against Ethan and fall asleep. He wraps his arm around you and watches tv.

Ethan's POV:
Even though I've only known y/n for a day and a half I feel like we're best friends. I can tell her anything and she can tell me anything. We feel comfortable around each other. I really like her and she seems to like me back. I want to ask her out but it feels way to early. This sucks. I can't hold in my feelings for her.

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