Chapter 4

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It's September 8th. The day you and Ethan first met. You guys have been best friends for like a year now. You guys do everything together like brother and sister but you guys don't want it to be that way. You eventually even start having feelings for Grayson too! Oops... Now what's gonna happen.

Your wake up and sit straight up. *you gasp* You look confused from the dream you just had. Ethan and Grayson were fighting over you but knew that Grayson didn't like you. You have mixed feeling about him so you didn't know what to do. You chose Grayson. Not Ethan. Then your dream ended. You put your face into your hands and take a deep breath. You feel a tear rolling down your face. "What is this?" You ask yourself. "Why...why is life so hard." You say crying a little. You hear your phone buzz. It's Grayson. The text says, "Goodmorning y/n! Wanna hang out with me and Ethan?" You don't reply. You just stare at your phone's bright screen. 30 minutes later you realized you should've replied but just when you were about to you heard a knock on the door. You open in softly. It's Ethan and Grayson. The sight of their faces makes you feel happy. "Hi guys." You say smiling. They stand there looking at you. "What?" You ask them. "Nothing. We just came to see if you were ok." You smile and nod. You walk up to them both and hug them. "Thanks for always being there for me. You make my world light up when I'm with you guys. Thank you." You say to them. They let go and smile. "No problem bestie." They say in unison. They hug you again and it makes you feel safe. It makes you feel happy. "So you guys wanted to hang out?" You ask. "Oh yeah." Grayson says. "We have to go to meet Cameron (their sister) at the mall. You wanna come?" They ask. "Sure! I love your sister." You guys drive to the mall and meet Cameron inside. "So where you guys wanna..." You stop because you see someone walking towards you guys. "Great." You whisper. Cameron giggles because she hears you. "I feel the same way." She says. "Yeah but you don't know what happened." You say rolling your eyes. You turn and walk away. Cameron follows. "So are you gonna tell me what happened or..." You take a deep breath and then tell her what happened. "What?!?!?!?" She yells. "I'm... I'm so... Disappointed." She says. She asks what he did that night. "I don't know. He came over and we all had a great time until that happened but he did kinda smell like alcohol." Cameron puts her face in her hands and sighs. "I can't believe this." She says. 3 months ago you, Grayson, Ethan, and Jack were hanging out. Ethan and Grayson left for a little bit to clean themselves up after having Mac and cheese spilled all over them. When they left, Jack kept on moving closer and closer to you. He grabbed your hands and told you he had liked you for a while now and then tried to kiss you. You pushed him away and then he laughed. He pushed you onto the couch so you were laying on your back. He started kissing your neck. He heard the twins coming back so he stopped. You looked very uncomfortable. "You okay y/n?" Ethan asked, nearing the bottom of the stairs. You sat up quickly and forced a smile. "Yeah. I'm ok." You said. After telling Cameron the story and her freaking put about it, up you guys met Ethan and Grayson where they were waiting. They were both sitting on opposite sides of the bench looking opposite ways. " two okay?" Cameron asked them. "Fine." Grayson said quietly but aggressively. "Uh. Okay." Cameron said with an awkward smile. She sits in between them and they try move even further but they can't. You laugh quietly. "Guys shouldn't we get going soon?" You ask. "We're supposed to be hanging out not have a pair of grumpy pants that two girls have to take care of." Grayson gets up and grabs your forearm. He leads to around the corner and in front of a store. He let go of your arm and then grabbed your hand. You looked down at where your hand was interlocked with his. "Y/n. I've been meaning to tell you this for a really long time. I really like you and I hope you feel the same way. But I've seen the way you've been with Ethan and I don't think you do. This is my effort trying to tell you that I... I really really like you." He lets go of your hand and hugs you tight. You hug back. "That's so sweet Grayson. But I don't want to choose between you and your brother. It wouldn't be fair to either of you." He nods like he understands. You and Grayson walk back. You look kind of uncomfortable. Cameron gives you a look. She mouths the words, "Are you okay?", and you nod. You walk up to Cameron and you all start walking to the exit. "What happened?" She asked quietly. "I'll tell you later." You answered. You text Cameron. But it wasn't her who answered. It was Ethan. "Hey y/n. It's Ethan." He sent with a emoji wink face (😉). "Oh. Hey can I uh... talk to Cameron." You replied. You get a call from Cameron's phone. You answer. "Hello?" You say. "Hey
y/n." But it wasn't a girl's voice. It was Ethan again. "It's Ethan." He says. "Dude I said I wanted to talk to Cameron." You said with a laugh. "Alright, alright. I'll give her the phone." He says. Someone starts talking but it's not Cameron or Ethan's voice. You realize it's just Ethan's voice but he's talking all girly. You laugh. "Ethan stop this right now." You say in a manly voice. You both laugh. "Please let me talk to Cameron." You hear a girl's voice this time. It's Cameron. "Hey." She says. "Hi." You say laughing a little. "What's so funny?" She asks. "Nothing just your brother. He wouldn't give you the phone so he pretended to be you and stuff." You say. "Oh. Anyways what were you gonna tell me earlier?" She asks. You tell her what Grayson told you. "Oh..." You also tell her that you wouldn't think it's fair for either of them. "Yeah that's true. I wouldn't want to see my little bros heart broken you know?" "Yeah I know." You say. "Well I got to go Cam. Text you later." "Ok. Bye y/n." "Bye." And then you hang up. You go to bed after you get off the phone with Cam. You have another dream.

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