Chapter 3

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Maddie's POV

I woke up with tapping at the window.


Can't Petunia give us a little rest?!

I had the BEST dream last night! A mega giant named Hagrid came, knocked down the door, bent a gun, gave Dudley a pig's tail, and told us we were magical! How cool is that?!

I yawned and sat up. Then I looked down and saw Hagrid's coat on me.

" THE DREAM WAS REAL!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled, effectively waking up Harry and Hagrid.

I heard tapping a he window, and I looked and saw a bloody owl holding a newspaper!

Hagrid told me to give the owl wizarding money, and the owl flew away. After that, Hagrid took us to the mainland in a boat. While in the boat, he asked us what we liked.

"So, wha' do ya like?" He asked us

"I like pranks, animals, sweets, and sports- " I started

"and I like sweets and sports¨ Harry said simply and I shook my head

When we docked, Hagrid took us through London, he seemed to know where he was taking us.

"Uh, Hagrid? Where are we going?" I asked

"You'll see" he chuckled

We walked in to a weird pub where a touthless man asked Hagrid if he wanted his 'usual' drink. Hagrid responded with a hearty " No thanks Tom, Im'ma on ofific'al Hogwarts business"

" Oh my! It's the Potter Twins!" exclaimed a women

WHAT THE HELL!?!? How do they know our bloody names!?!?!?!?!?

Everyone started crowding around us trying to shake our hands or saying weird things like " I can't believe I'm meeting you at last!"

Hagrid took us out back, to a place with a large brick wall.

What the-

Hagrid tapped the wall, and the bricks started turning.

Holy Crap!

Harry and I stared open mouthed at a beautiful alley.

" Welcome to Diagon Alley!" said Hagrid proudly

Diagon Alley was a windy cobblestoned street with lots of shops and little groups of people huddled together.

First we went to Gringotts, a Wizarding bank, where there was a roller coaster ride (which I loved) down to our vaults were there was a HUGE amount of wizarding money. Then we went to go get our books. After that we went to get our wands. I am REALLY excited about this. We walked into the creaky shop where there no one.

" uh, hello?" said Harry softly while I yelled " ANYONE HERE!?"

An old man came around a corner.

" ah, the Potter Twins, I was expecting you soon"

Not creepy at all.

"now, who wants to go first?" Ollivander asked

Harry and I glanced at each other, then I sighed and stepped forward.

" ah, Ms. Potter....... how about unicorn hair?" He gave me a wand with a fancy handle, and told me to flick it.

An old book went wizzing by my head and hit Harry in the face.

"Oops" I said with a grin while Harry was rubbing his head and glaring at me.

We tried 15 wands until Ollivander took out a wand box with two wands in it.

" Mr. Potter, could you come and stand by your sister?" he asked Harry

Ollivander studied us for a moment, then gave us each a wand from that box.

Immediately, I felt something rise up from my stomach, and a reddish glow surrounded me, while a gold glow surround Harry.

Harry threw his arm around me and grinned, when a loud sniff came from behind us.

I turned around, and Hagrid was, standing in the doorway with a couple bags in his hand and tears in his eyes.

" That was beautiful!" he bawled

"Aw, Haggie-"

" -don't start crying!"

" curious, very curious" said Ollivander

" What's curious?" Harry and I chorused

" Ms. Potter's wand wood is Cypress, and the core is Phoenix feather, and Mr. Potter's wand wood is Holly and Phoenix feather. However, three feathers of that Phoenix were plucked, Mr. Potter has one feather, Ms. Potter has one, and the other, belongs to the who gave you those scars" Ollivander said.

My hand immediately went to my jaw, where a thin scar was.

A/N And I'm back! I know I haven't updated in like foreeeeeeeeever! All Copyright goes to JK Rowling except my own creations, and blah blah blah.


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