Fraternizing with Guests Final part

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A hole as black as night formed in the living/dining room, it was the [Gate] spell and two figures emerged from it.

"Brrr, I don't know if I'll ever feel comfortable using that way of transporting myself, it always gives me the creeps."

"I doubt you can get used to it ∼su, after all, you are not able to use it constantly ∼su, even once on your own is impossible ∼su.

"Ah, Miss Lupusregina, nice to see you!"

"Hello, Lupu-chan!"

"Shi shi shi, anyway, but we must move ∼su, Ainz-sama awaits you ∼su."

The pair of figures were led by the maid, crossed the throne room, and made their way to the meeting of the emissaries and rulers.

* Knock knock knock *

"With your permission Ainz-sama."

"Go ahead."

"Queen Novo and Princess Skystar of Aquestria have arrived."

"Excellent, show them in."

When the hippogriffs entered the room they were surprised by the number of emissaries from other nations and some rulers, the attention of the newcomers was attracted by a large number of individuals, more quickly moved until they reached the well-known figures.

The one who spoke for both was Queen Novo, while the princess was limited to return the greetings and pay attention to everything.

"I apologize, I didn't know it was a formal meeting."

"You don't have to worry Queen Novo," Celestia spoke- "I'm pretty sure that won't be the only unexpected thing during this meeting, please take a seat," -She turned his gaze to the Overlord and continued- "If you don't mind King Gown, I'd like to start this meeting by hearing about who you are and about your kingdom."

Hmm, interesting, so you wish I didn't talk about 'what' I am... well, I'll play along for now.

Ainz thought upon hearing the princess's question.

"Mhm, I will begin by talking about my kingdom, currently, I rule over a wide expanse of land and sea to the south, more precisely I rule what was previously known as the empire of storms."

Hearing his statement, the faces of all the emissaries were filled with surprise.

"HA!, nonsense, such a large territory cannot be taken so easily, what he says is nothing but lies." -Said with a mocking tone a spider with a mustache-

"Emissary Parker! I suggest you control your tone," -Celestia said with concern- "We are not here to insult each other."

The princess was about to give a general warning but was interrupted by an authoritative tone.

"Princess, it is no offense to me, it is a reasonable enough doubt," -the Overlord turned his gaze towards the arachnid- "even though the exposure was rude, Commander Tempest Shadow."

Hearing her name, the unicorn immediately stood up and took a standing position, and raised a hoof to the side of her forehead in greeting.

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