Chapter 3: Answers Part 2

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"What do you mean?" Roto asked, confused. Fuli sighed, before starting, "Two of you are gonna be members of The Lion Guard, one will be the Fiercest and one will be the Fastest." Fuli finished.

"Oh, but what about the other one?" Imani asked, sadly. "Well, they can help in other ways." Kion told them. "Who will get The Roar?" Uri asked them. Fuli and Kion glanced at each other, before Fuli answered. " We don't know. Honestly, anyone of you could get it. Just don't be upset if it's not you, okay." The three nodded.

The sun set as the family head inside Priderock to get some sleep. Sadly, Uri lay awake. Thinking about what they had been told. I wonder who's gonna get The Roar? Maybe I will. I already know that Imani will be the Fastest. She's even faster than mom. It's between me and Roto.

And just like that she drifted off into a peaceful sleep. Only the sound of snores could be heard as the pride slept. Ready for a new day.

Time skip

The pride woke up to a loud roar. Louder than a normal roar. Kion bolted up and ran towards where the roar was coming from. Fuli followed and the two girls stayed behind, too tired to get up.

The sun was only just rising as Fuli caught up with Kion. She ran ahead of him and gasped as she saw trees with no leaves and bushes completely destroyed. She slowed down to a walk, when she noticed Roto lying down, in the middle of the mess.

She heard soft sobs as she got closer. She stopped and peaked over him, stopping when she saw another animal. "Roto, sweetie." Slowly he lifted his head and looked at her. His fur was stained from the tears and he slowly stopped crying. "What happened?" Fuli asked softly. She heard Kion come up behind her and heard him stop.

"Mom, I swear I didn't mean for it to happen." Roto said, as he quickly stood up and face her. Fuli glanced at the animal on the ground and realized that it was an antelope. "Is it...dead?" She asked softly.

"I was hunting and when I roared, it was more powerful and I accidentally killed them. It wasn't even the one I was going for. It's only a baby. I swear I didn't mean to." Roto explained, as he started crying again.

"It's okay, you didn't mean to." Kion said, as he came up next to Fuli. "The leaves will grow back and I'm sure the antelopes will understand. Now let's get back and tell everyone the good news." "What good news?" Roto asked, confused. "That we found our Lion Guard leader."

The trio arrived back at Priderock and Imani immediately bombarded them with questions. "Was it you? Do you have The Roar? Are you gonna be the leader of The Lion Guard?!" "Imani, calm done and yes, to all of those" Roto answered.

"Who's gonna be the Fastest though? Roto questioned. "Imani." Uri answered simply. Everyone stared at her, surprised. "What, Imani's faster than me. Faster than mom even." "It's true." Fuli said, backing her up.

"Well, I guess you guys need to find the other members. I need to know who it is at dusk." Kion told them. "Yes, dad." The two said in unison. They then ran out of Priderock, on their way to find the other members.

"Uri, are you sure you're okay with this? Don't you want to race Imani first and see." Fuli asked her. Uri rolled her eyes, as she answered, "I'm sure mom, I already know that she's faster than me. There's no need to prove it."

"Well, if you need anything, we're here, okay?" Kion told her. Uri nodded her head, before leaving Priderock. Heading, who knows where.

Word count: 669

Finally, I've updated. I know these chapters are quite short, but I don't have the best imagination, so I'm just working with what I've got.

- Author ✍️

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